Experimenting with Upvoting Technique to Mutually Benefit Followers and Supporters

Over the past few months I have been experimenting with voting methods to mutually benefit my followers and supporters.

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Followers and Supporters

My followers and supporters are those who follow my blog posts and provide comments.

Upvoting Technique for My Blog Posts and Comments

I do not automatically upvote my blog posts and comments when they are posted. I typically upvote them 3 to 5 days after they are posted. Rewards on posts are distributed 75% to the author and 25% to curators. A curator's percentage of the reward is based on their voting order and weight of their vote. By voting well after the majority of my followers and supporters have had a chance to vote on my post, I deliberating increase the total rewards for the post and share a greater percentage with those who upvoted before me.

Upvoting Replies

I appreciate feedback on my posts. To reward those who provide comments to my post, I have been upvoting their replies typically 3-5 days after the replies are posted.

Additional Rewards


I typically do not make a blog post simply stating I have achieved a milestone on SteemIt (i.e., number of followers = X). I have directly transferred rewards to those who helped to achieve the reward. For example, not long ago I rewarded my 500th follower with a transfer of STEEM dollars.

First Upvote and First Reblog (Re-Steem) of a Blog Post

Occassionally I will reward the first person to upvote or reblog my posts by visiting their blog to upvote what I believe is quality content blog posts that are still in the rewards window.

New Posts

From time to time I will scan the list of newly created posts. I strongly encourage everyone to do so and upvote quality content. There are a lot of new people joining SteemIt and producing quality content, they deserve our upvotes and encouragement.


I am doing this because I believe in the SteemIt concept, the SteemIt platform, and the SteemIt community. I feel very fortunate to have found SteemIt and very appreciative to those who have supported my blog posts.

I am a capitalist, but do not consider myself to be a capitalist pig. I hope my upvoting actions spreads the wealth and encourages more interaction. I want to encourage quality content and encourage people to use SteemIt.

My Voting Power and Voting Technique

I have learned to manage my voting power. For this reason the percentage of my voting power (using the upvote slider) will vary based on number of upvotes and quality of content. I do not want to blindly encourage just any content but what I consider to be quality content.

If future hard forks evolve the rewards system, then I will adjust my voting technique for our mutual benefit when possible.

Thank You!

If you like this post, you can upvote, follow, share, and re-steem this post. Thank you!

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