
Other people on Steemit

  1. The posts by the people that I follow show up on my home tab.
    No other posts do (I think). That's the criteria. If I follow someone their posts appear in home. They'll also appear in new for sure( I think) and possibly hot and trending. I don't have those figured out yet. I don't even look at promoted.

1.1. Posts that are resteemed by the people that I am following also appear in my home tab.

  1. As far as rewards (to me...$$$). It doesn't make any difference whether I follow a thousand people, or none. This is different from Tsu (a defunct social media site that also claimed to pay people to post). 'Follow me and I'll Follow you'. doesn't matter on Steemit.

If that's correct then it follows that I don't want any strangers in my home. If I don't know you, If you don't comment on my posts, If we don't have conversations or BS sessions...I don't want you in my home. I'll read what you have to say (or not) in new or on the other tabs.

I also have to LIKE you to some extent.

I'm an old fart. I don't play pretty with others. I'm former military, a viet nam ERA vet. (No stolen valor. I never was IN VietNam. I wasn't in combat precisely, even though I was shot at a few times ....they missed. I was next door in Thailand...on a bomber base) . I've been around the world a few times.. I LIVED in Thailand for a year like I said. I was also on the Island of Crete for four. When I got out of the military I 'homesteaded'...(ten acres)...raised critters (mostly hawgs, dawgs and goats), raised a garden, a boy and other stuff. After that I drove a truck....for damn near Three Million Miles. I've been over ever foot of interstate in the US and a BUNCH of the other roads, not to mention a lot of goat trails. (been to Mexico and Canada too)

What all this means is that I'm a grumpy old bastard. I know what I like and what I don't. I don't want people that I can't get along with in my home. So...if you're a 'born again' evangelistic gotta save souls kinda guy(or gal), if you're a conspiracy nut all worked up over chemtrails and other such nonsense , a GloBull Wurmer, a 'bot , if you've got your panties in a wad about the new world order, or the illuminati.....or (spit) you're a damnliberaldhmikrat...

Sorry...you stay outside.

For all of those reasons, and others, and I might change my mind and make exceptions...or not...that's MY call. THAT is how I decide who I will follow.

So far I've actually met a few. @mindhunter, @jeff-kubitz, @dragon40 to name just three. There are others.

When I first came to Steem I followed EVERYONE. (duh me..)...at one time I was following 1400 people. That's gonna change.

There's a purge going on.

So...nothing personal. If I don't KNOW you..and like you (kinda sorta) ...and we don't like the same things..

....you're gonna go.

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