Being a Digital Nomad is the New "I Wanna Be an Astronaut When I Grow Up"


Well it seems like everyone here is a photographer and a traveller, and everyone wants to do that for a living, with the help of blockchain technology and Steemit.

Yes, me included, this is as much a self-examination as it is for raising conversation, and a wake up call for some people who aspire to do the same.

My question to you is, what differentiates you from all the other travelling photographers and why do you think you'd have a future in that?

In my opinion, having a camera (or a camera phone) and travelling every once in a while doesn’t automatically make you a traveller and a photographer. Just like cooking for yourself and your family doesn’t make you a professional chef. For me, it’s the same as a babysitter saying that she is a mother. You get my point?

How often do you travel for real? Once every year? Are you trying to make changes that allow you to travel more often? Why do you want to travel? Are you running away from something, or running towards something else?

How often do you pick up your camera and shoot? Are you actively trying to get better at it, learn more, teach yourself? What do you want your photographs to tell? Do you evaluate your own work and try to find ways to improve it?

What are the steps you are taking to achieve your goals? How hard are you willing to work for it? Are you praying, hoping and bitching about your current life, or are you taking tangible steps towards your goal?

You want to be free, but what is freedom to you? What is your end game?

What are you going to do if Steemit dies suddenly? Do you have anything to fall back on? Do you like rollercoasters?

Are you a survivor, and not just that, are you going to thrive in what ever you do?

These were the questions I bondered upon for months before I quit my day job, and these are the questions I will keep on asking myself and evaluating as my situation changes.

I am a full time Steemian. I blog, photograph and I get to do that, in theory, from where ever I want to. I worked my ass off to get here, and I will be working even more to make sure this doesn’t end soon. I take nothing for granted. I will never stop progressing.

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