Why I'm giving up with other social media sites and sticking with Steemit

Images after the first one are not safe for work.

First of all, let's make clear that I love social media! It's been my thing for almost as long as I can remember having internet. I'm an introvert but love connecting to people all around the world via internet. I come from a little village in a little town so finding likeminded people was not easy growing up. Then came along the world wide web and it's endless possibilities.

For me it started from Irc-gallery, then Kuvake (<3), Facebook, and Instagram has been my favourite for years. I'm a very visual person so I can scroll through it for hours finding inspiration, cool people and see what my friends have been up to lately. But it's not all good and it's been getting worse and worse for a long time now. Finally getting to my point, here are a couple of reasons why I'm leaving Instagram and focusing on Steemit. This is mostly going to be about Instagram cause that has been my main social media for years now, but these points apply pretty well to Facebook and other social media sites too. 

1. The. Fucking. Adds. 

No Instagram, I do not need an ovulation test, plus size clothes or detox tea. Fuck you. It wasn't this bad for a long time but I guess they made some chances and now every five or so post is a straigh up add. 

The fact that I'm a woman in my mid-twenties does not mean I'm trying to get/am pregnant, so stop suggesting me things like pregnancy test, diapers or baby clothes. 

My skinny ass does not need detox tea. Though I do like tea, just basic white, black or green, which do the same motherfucking thing your detox teas claim to do. Nor does my ass need fat peoples body positivity movement induced plus sized clothing ranges. My superb genes will ensure the fact that I will never ever be fat. Yes, you can be jelous. And we'll return to this topic on a later date. 

2. Shitty algorithms

So I've liked one picture of a hot fitness model and now you are showing me an endless amound of selfies in the gym and sunday meal preps. I could not care less! My lifestyle has nothing to do with these things, I don't go to the gym and I'm a chef so I like real food, not some supplements. 

Why would you not show me more beautiful art,  good photography and proper food porn when those are the things I keep liking all day every day.

3. Hidden money

There is A LOT of money moving in Instagram but it's kind of disguised. Yeah of course you are just showing sugarbearbunnycathair supplements and teeth whitening kits cause you genuinely love them and would buy them with your hard earned money. They just happened to send you some.. 

I'm definitely not against companies marketing via social media influensers but I hate that it is often done in such a tacky and fake way. It's not doing the trick to me. But obviosly it's working for them. 

Here the money is on show. More honest. And I like honesty.

This is going to be only part one on this topic, cause I got issues. I've only been in Steemit for two weeks but I already feel like this is going to be good for me. I like you, and not just because there is potencial to make money in here. Obviosly my mind could change after I've been here for longer, but we shall see. I'll definitely give you my two cents on this when enough time has passed and I get a better hang on Steemit. 

Disclaimer: made this post on my phone so I don't have full control over image size etc, hope it looks alright.

ps. Do you mind that my text and images are totally unrelated?

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