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Steemit Inc: As In Incorporated

Inc. is the abbreviation for incorporated. An incorporated company, or corporation, is a separate legal entity from the person or people forming it. Directors and officers purchase shares in the business and have a responsibility for its operation.

Only in this case, shares were not purchased, but rather mined.

I think all of our discussions, and decisions, regarding what is or isn't happening with Steem, will continue to create confusion unless we are clear about the reality we should be facing.

If you want decentralization, Steem is not it, nor has it ever been. Steemit is a company, who has a president, or owner, and stakeholders who vote upon 20 Witnesses to manage the code (hence, finances) of the blockchain. The higher your stake, the heavier your vote. It's just like a normal company with shareholders. This was an experiment, in my opinion, that took on a life of its own.

When companies emerge, there is always a lot of idealism, as well as risk taking. When Steemit and Steem began, the pioneers were the only one's who believed in what they were doing. Those who came on later, brought with them their personal, or imagined, ideas of what they thought Steem or Steemit should become. A Founder, however, has the responsibility to grab the largest chunk of the stake, and do his or her best to run the operations, and realize the vision. It was centralized from the very beginning, and continues to be so.

And when a Founder, or President, wants to walk away, for any reason, he or she has the right to cash out and disappear. The HIVE High Council had no right to interfere in a legal business deal. And often, when companies are acquired, the new owners have their own vision of where they would like to take things. Shareholders, or stakeholders, who do not agree, can simply cash out and be on their way.

You don't see company shareholders changing the security codes to building, and locking themselves in the boardroom, while the President, or Owner, is outside wondering what the hell is going on. It's obvious that the new owner of his or her majority stake is going to do everything within his or her power to regain control of the situation, and seek justice for the perpetrators of the attempted forceful taking of the company's funds. In the real world, with real money, the HIVE High Council would be in front of a Judge facing criminal charges.

In the meantime, in this virtual world, those who are supporting Justin Sun, are enacting a form of karmic justice. I have never agreed with the freezing of anyone's funds; it's counterintuitive to the entire cryptocurrency movement; but the HIVE High Council, and their radical goons, spat in the face of the entire ethos of the promise that your digital assets would be safe, and are continuing to run code that promotes the locking out of accounts that should have open access to what was copied from the Steem blockchain. So karmic justice, in my outraged opinion, is that anyone who is running a HIVE node, should have their code used against them on Steem. If you believe so wholeheartedly in your Hardfork which locks out accounts, you should humbly accept that action being taken against you. Of course, hypocrisy never works that way, does it!

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