700+ Followers?! Thank You! [3 Tips to Steemit Success]

farmsteadsmith farmstead faverolle chicken thank you

Hey everyone! I hope you're all well! Tell me about the stuff you are up to lately! I would love to hear it!

I have to stop in and make a quick post to thank those of you who have taken the time to click that silly little "follow" button. I am blown away. I have now over 700 people who thought my content was decent enough to want it showing up in their feed, every time I manage to make a post!

These last three ish months on Steemit have proven to be worth every second I have managed to spend here! Thank you!

I'd like to share with you things I think are beneficial and important for you to do in your posts and comments here on Steemit. These are things I do in my posts that I feel really have helped me get to where I am.

farmsteadsmith farmstead bumble bee

Be Genuine

Every time I talk about things that are important here on Steemit, being GENUINE is the biggest thing I stress, and I think really is THE BEST thing to do here. People are coming to your blog, my blog, and they want to see the real us. I am real, and this is how I am in real life and on the internet. I fully believe that is how you should present yourself here on Steemit. I encourage you to share your life, the good and the bad. Share your mistakes, and your achievements.

Other people are coming to our blogs liking what we write and financially, yes, FINANCIALLY, supporting us! albeit a few cents, but to me, that says a lot. I never got anything for writing before, and now, people think I'm worth their few cents. It seems menial, but to me, it means so much. So, show them the real you and who they are supporting. They want to know.

farmsteadsmith farmstead mums flower chrysanthemum


Take your own photos and share what you're up to, for real. Use your cell phone or your crappy digital camera, and take photos to tell your story. Photos serve more of a purpose than just eye candy. Photos give your audience a break from reading. It's not something that they know they need, but they need it!

So maybe you're not great at taking photos. Hey everyone has to start somewhere! Start taking pics and you just get better and better! And a quick google search for "How to take decent photos" always works too! :)

farmsteadsmith farmstead ducks

Find Your People

This is how you "make it" on Steemit. Whether you find only 3 people or 300, this is what makes YOU feel good about being here. For example, I blog about my farmstead, so, I wanna find other people who have the same interests. I searched the platform for other homesteaders and was lucky enough to find a really fabulous bunch of people who use the homesteading tag. Search those tags! They're out there! There is someone who is interested in what you write! You have to go and say hi! It's not exactly the easiest thing to find people on here, but it's definitely doable. Go find someone you think is interesting, follow them, and create a great and relevant conversation on their blog post. Get to know them!

When you find your people, you will find that Steemit is the best place to be because these people will genuinely care about you and what you post. They will want to hear what's going on in your life and will be there to support you.

So again, thank you to each and every one who has pressed that follow button and chooses to support me by commenting, upvoting, and most importantly, being there for me when I really need it!

Check out my most recent Steemit Posts.

Please Consider Supporting:

  • @rhondak, she runs a much needed and severely underfunded Dog Rescue in the backwards thinking toward animals area in the Appalachian Mountains. She uses the funds she makes on Steemit to save lives.

As always @farmstead here blogging from FarmsteadSmith!

Photos by me using my iPhone 6s, unless stated otherwise!

Badges by @daddykirbs and @allforthegood!

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