6 Months Heroin-Free. I'm Planning my First Skydive to Celebrate - Spare an Upvote & a Resteem? I'll Pay it Forward!

Hey Steemians!

TL;DR: I'm trying to go on my first Skydiving adventure EVER, to celebrate being 6 months clean from Heroin (December 10th was my last date of use - June 10th will be my 6 months!) 

I have a trip planned out to do it in Bangkok, in 2 weeks, but I need to raise $300. So I'm asking for your help, simply by upvoting/commenting/resteeming/being awesome Steemians!

If I do break $300, I'll build a custom designed website/portfolio/etc for a Steemit community member, free of charge. (Normally I charge $1000+ through my business, Fat Panda Design). 

Please, Upvote & Resteem - Pay it Forward, So I can Pay it Forward <3


It's been a really depressing/rough past few weeks on my end.

I am nearing my 6 months/180 days clean date (June 10th is the day - I stopped using on December 10th, 2016!). 

I'm really proud of myself, and I want to reward myself by doing something I've been dreaming of doing for a long, long time.

I'm currently traveling in Thailand, but I'm also working at the same time on my web design/marketing business, and my new cryptocurrency consulting business that I just started.

I'm fucking exhausted, and I need a little break.

Financially, I'm only in Thailand because it's dirt cheap. I had money saved up before I came out here, but the unexpected happened last month...

I was extorted at the border about a month back, and they took everything i had money wise instead of tossing me in jail (i had overstayed my stamp by 5 days :/ should have LEGALLY only been a 2500 baht fine, but they wanted more, apparently...)

Anyways, since then I've been playing catch up financially. I haven't been able to do anything fun or out of the norm. 

Any while I finally just saved enough to lease a cheap condo and put the deposit down, I'm pretty much broke again. (Literally $600 was enough for 1 month of rent/utilities and my 2 months deposit).

I need to take a break. I need to do something that I've dreamt of doing for a long time.

My 60 day chip that I earned back in Feb! I started Traveling in March.

I found I can go skydiving about 12 hours south in Bangkok for around $300 in total (includes trip there, few nights in a hostel, trip back).So, Steemians - are you feeling up to helping me raise a few steem bucks to support the cause?


I'm trying really hard to break my old habits - this trip was about transformation for me. I used to be a huge heroin addict, and that consumed my life.

I'm also trying to break my old fears - and a huge fear of heights is one of them. 

So, skydiving has been my plan/idea to break that fear, for a few years now. But I've continually had to put it off due to financial woes :/

It would be amazing if I could make this happen - and I would be eternally grateful.

So, hit that upvote, comment on this, resteem, and help a brother out!


(Anything over $300 will go towards a cheap action cam/knock off GoPro - so I can film my first jump. I would LOVE to show you all how it went and share the experience with the community! (I can get a knockoff one in Bangkok w/ SD card for about $100 USD)

Help me cross off a huge bucket list item, break one of my old fears, and make a life-changing memory. In return, I'll help someone start off their dream idea and build a FREE website for them to get started.

(I design/develop websites through my business, Fat Panda Design).

Much love, Steemians <3

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