My first steemit accelerator program and Steem crypto meetup received some excellent coverage from select media outlets in India. Let me share the coverage details and a little information about 5 news publications that published the press release!
I'm funding these initiatives through the earnings on my blogs on Steemit so I thank you for your support and attention to my work!
I brought my friend @wolkpack-raj on board to assist me with drafting the press release, and contact news publications for it's dissemination. We built a strategy and pushed it within 3 days of the event. We both have some prior experience and contacts in media and his assistance contributed greatly towards bringing some much needed limelight to Steemit in these news publications.
Remember, this is just the start of many exciting things to come. So let's get down to business.
1. The New Indian Express
Started in the 1930s, it is one of the top news paper publications in the country reaching countless households in India through it's newspaper and digital format. The New Indian Express and Indian Express today are two separate entities, but originally belonged to the same group that founded both!
In my small coastal city of Mangalore, the daily edition reaches nearly 10000 households everyday. The coverage was on the Page 3 of the local edition, which frankly is a big deal!

It felt great to have my childhood friend call me and inform that he saw my event in the newspaper that his family reads everyday for the past 3 decades! I left right away to his house and brought home his copy of the newspaper!

Alexa report for this publication!

I hope to get a future event covered in the Indian Express which has the following reach!

Link to Story:
2. Bangalore Mirror (The Times Group)

It was incredible to see the story on Bangalore Mirror's online edition. It is part of the website and you see it's ranking below. This story was covered in their newspaper + online edition. Since it was run in their Bangalore edition I haven't been able to source a copy. But the online link is here.

The times group is one of the biggest news media house in the country! Check out their wiki page for more info!
Link to story:
3. News Karnataka
One of the biggest names in digital news coverage emerging from coastal Karnataka and a highly reputed publication that I've had the pleasure of associating in the past. I've been a consultant for editorial content for their publications (digital + Monthly Magazine) in 2016 and helped them revamp their Magazine publication completely.

It was great to see the story published here.
Link to Story:
They had also published my piece on back in October, 2016.

A lot has changed since then for Steemit and I hope to write about Steemit again in other publications soon enough.
Link to Story:
4. Daily Hunt
Another popular daily news portal covered the story. I was pretty excited to see them support my initiative!

Alexa rating for Dailyhunt:

5. Coastal Digest
A relatively smaller publication compared to the ones above, but it's target audience is largely people from coastal Karnataka (my state, located in Southern India) and NRI's from this region.

Link to Story:
So these are the exciting results from the very first Steemit Accelerator held in the country to help recruit new users, influencers, educate people on using the platform and increase retention of quality users from India.
I hope you enjoyed seeing the results of my experimental campaign to take Steemit to the next level!
The next event will be at the IT Capital of India at Bangalore city so stay tuned to my updates!
If you like my work, please share my posts and follow my blog to support me. You may also continue reading my recent posts which might interest you:
- How I made $70000 in 11 Months Using a $300 Pre-Owned Laptop, Steemit and 10SP!
- My Most Incredible Steemit Milestone Moment and Why It Means the World to Me!