Minnow tip - Lease Delegated SP ASAP Now is a Good Time Since STEEM is on Sale!

Here's my son's face if I was going to try to explain leasing delegated sp to him. But you have a better attitude.
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You want to make money on steemit. Little drips of money are coming but you want to do better. You are here and trying and now I will tell you a way to do better. It's so easy, you won't believe it.

Just lease some delegated sp

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STEEM is cheap right now and if you do not believe me - read this post please.

My Experience Leasing Delegated sp has been a huge success. Look at the poster I made!
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My first steemit hero is Our Boy Terry @surpassinggoogle.

I love him so much. He's from tsu and that is all you need to know that leads to everything else good about Terry.

As to My Experience with Delegated SP, Terry saved me back in August.

Basically I was too dumb to place my first order to lease delegated sp by myself and Terry just made it happen by

  • GIVING me more than the STEEM I needed in one second after hearing my problem
  • and telling me he wished it was more
  • and saying he was too busy to stop but if I still had trouble to get back to him.

This was after 6 weeks of me trying and trying and trying to transfer SBD into STEEM and being so mad and frustrated. So yeah. Terry was here to help me, and and still is - helping everyone. Thank you Terry! I would still be stuck in tiny tiny tiny tiny minnowville without you!

Then - I got the delegated sp easily, and everything at steemit has been better and better for me since then.

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Leasing sp is for you if:

  • you have less than 100 sp
  • you have been here long enough to know you like it here
  • and you want to keep trying and doing better at steemit

Please - just lease your way up over 500 sp and then:

  • Post 1+ times a day with the 50% upvote turned on.
  • Upvote enough times a day to get down to no less than 75% power daily.

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I mean it! Watch your power level and keep it high.

You see your choices here - stick with them!
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Nothing on this graphic is below 75%. Do not go below 75% if you are below 5000 sp. If you think you should vote below that level please comment to me why you believe this so I can set you straight and tell you how wrong you are.

Check your upvote power number continually with my other boyfriend - @penguinpablo.
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Do you see my vote value below? This was just in late November and now in early December my vote is 25 cents thanks to more delegated sp and the extraordinary rise of steem and sbd values this week.

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Yes, it is worth it to lease delegated sp if you are a little minnow

  • financially
  • in developing a presence on steemit.
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A mystery sp delegation for Sharon @fitinfun!!!!!

Just a couple of days ago - someone - I don't know who or how - delegated me another 350 sp!
It just appeared in my wallet!!!!
For no reason!!!!
With no notice!!!!
Are you kidding me?

Thank you, mystery sp delegator! You made me so happy and I do everything I can to support the minnows below me and help them grow. Your support means everything to me.

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Heart Breaking Free 92113 by Sharon French at Pixels/FAA

If I had not leased some delegated sp myself - this mystery steemer would not have even seen me to decide to delgate more. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Using minnowbooster to lease delegated sp

It is very easy to lease delegated steem. I get mine through @minnowbooster who I love and recommend. Go read their directionsbecause you do not want me to be the one to tell you how to do this.

It's easy (for most people) to lease delegated sp (really - I was just dumb). All you have to do is transfer them some STEEM and tell them how many weeks you want in your memo and you are done. Get 4 weeks or more for the best deal. Soon the sp will arrive. Magic!

This is an example of the calculation to lease delegated sp

I found out how much it cost to lease 200 sp for 10 weeks. This cost close to 11 STEEM so I went to my wallet and transferred 11 STEEM to @minnowbooster and then I got my delegation a couple of hours later.

New voting power! Had I purchased 11 SP the result would not be so good. My upvote would just increase a tiny bit and I want power!!!! 10 weeks of 200 sp is more powerful than 10 weeks of 11 sp. I will generate more than that easily in the time given.

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Yes! Little minnow - it is worth it to lease delegated sp.
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Turn enough sbd into steem to lease yourself up to 500 sp for 4 weeks now and then build up as you can. Get your vote to over 20 cents and you will feel like steemit royalty because you will be.

I just got a comment on this post from to tell me minnowbooster has been updated so you can so you can choose the price yourself! i'm not sure how that works, but I'm going to go check now. Join me and we'll find out together!

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This post is a small part of this older post I wrote to help you do better when you first start at steemit.

Do not upvote this older post, but read the comments and ask questions over there if you have any and I will answer you.
Make Money Blogging on Steemit Top Tips and Checklist for Better Results!!

Any questions about leasing delegated sp? Are you going to do it? Why or why not?
fitinfun is leasing delegated sp worth it steemit (1).jpg

Nothing at fitinfun would be possible if I was still obese.

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