“After climbing a very high mountain, we discovered that there are many other mountains to climb”.
Nelson Mandela

A long time ago I came thinking about the idea of which things to improve that could make steemit grow and expand in many ways to benefit the real users of this platform. Three months ago I started my adventure in this community, thanks to a great friend who introduced me here and the quick welcome and warmth of the community made it very easy for me to adapt here.
From my beginnings I've have always been willing to offer my help to anyone who needs it, from anything related to my profession (graphic design), or a translation into Spanish, to any kind of help or tip I could provide.

For several weeks ago I have this idea in my head, what I want to do is to try to contribute with my opinion and to make these humble suggestions get to reach those who really have influence and knowledge to carry out any kind of improvement that can benefit us all as STEEMIT users.





One of the biggest problems facing STEEMIT today in my opinion is a disproportionate relation between authors and curators. In a field where the creation of content is promoted and this is rewarded with money has become very difficult the number of creators of content set to the consumer. Basically we are devaluating our content value.


In my opinion a possible solution for this inconvenience would be to restructure the rewards for curations and with this try to attract more readers. For new users with a SP less than 500, the rewards for curations are very low and therefore ends up giving up to contemplate the task of the curator. It's true that not everything is money here, and whoever has a bit long time using this platform knows it, but if you try to attract active people, I think incentives are crucial.



The organization and distribution of articles is somewhat confused and entangled, surfing by the home page of each own can become chaotic. We end up seeing posts of people that we do not follow, or re-steems of articles that doesn't interest us at all, but that a user to whom we continue decided to share and this already shows in our wall doing everything more confused, or even the order of articles based on a timeline, for example a post with 5 days of life if it was shared by a user 5 minutes ago it will appear as a relatively new post in our feed, probably next to 5 min posts.


An alternative to this inconvenience so to call it could be distributing the articles in different ways, the resteems could be located in a unique tab within our profile, I imagine it to the right of our "blog" where it would be much more useful to yourself and to others, to look for an interesting article that we decided to archive, or even to maintain our personal theme without interweaving the blog with other people's articles. In this way we could be able to separate what is our own creation and articles that we liked without losing aesthetics or coherence in our blog.



I do not know if this can be called as a problem or it is simply a small slip, thinking it with a cold mind the amount of selling votes accounts has its pro and its cons, and at the moment of putting the balance both numbers in my opinion are more personal benefits than the contribution to the community it can provide. I have used a lot and many bots to vote for me and it has helped my post have a little more visibility, this has attracted more people to read them and therefore my blog has been growing, at the expense of money that is given to a person which provides a service.


The best alternative to promote our posts ends up being the "Promote" option, as a personal benefit we will get a vote of @promoted that will surely have a value below the invested, but unlike the booster the money invested goes directly to STEEMIT so you can think about it as an investment to the community. The benefit is very similar to that of a bot, even when making numbers, since bots will depend on their voting value at the time of voting, and on the number of people who requested their service, many times the result ends up being numerically negative.



Problem with tags and topics is kinda related to the organization and the filter within each tag and post, the misuse and abuse of certain topics has been the drop that overflowed the glass to say it in a slightly more figurative sense. The problem of tags directly influences the audience to whom our content reach, and if we fail to organize the means of reaching to the public it is impossible that we are able to attract the type of readers that may be interested in our articles.


One solution that comes to my head for this problem is to reduce the tags to three and not five, and with this try to group the content in a more specific way by separating it in more groups, this will also make us think twice about which tags use to identify our content and differentiate it by theme in a more accurate way.
We could include in our profile a section where we can follow one or two tags and see the content that is being created there, if I like cats I know that following the tag * "CATS" * I will be able to be aware of all the articles referring to cats.



This is not a problem either, but if we think from the point of view that has a possible improvement we will see how it could be presenting a big crack in front of us. The voting value and the SP has a relationship with each other that is numerically a few kilometers away from having a balance. Getting SP for a new user is very difficult, and having a voting value of 0.001 also does not motivate new readers / curators. If we consider that 1000 SP equals a voting value of approximately 0.11, and that 1000 SP is a large number to earn, we will see that achieving a voting value above 3.00 sounds almost impossible if it is not buying or renting SP.


Based on the reputation of each user, STEEMIT would delegate in small amounts and in consequential weekly pays certain sum of SP. It would not be STEEM earned, nor we will not be able to power it down, it is simply an incentive that gives the platform to users with high reputation. Cause reputation is theoretically impossible to buy and we only get it by votes from other users, it would be fair to active users who make constant contributions to the community, and in this way we would be adding more money in the circle of votes and curations .


The main idea of this post is to show a personal opinion with intentions to collaborate and suggest possible alternatives intended for a better community and for the growth of the platform. So far, this whole world sounds like taken out of a fictional story and is getting better, I think the key is to continue trying to reach the same goal.


Photo 1 by Gabriele Diwald on Unsplash, edited by me with png from http://clipart-library.com
Photo 2 by Branden Harvey on Unsplash

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