Flagging attack on Steemit?

Yesterday I've read some flagging issues here and there.

I'm not taking any side of the aforementioned but for sure the flagging war is never going to end on Steemit. This has inspired a possible way to attack DPOS, though I'm not sure if someone else has mentioned this before already:

What if someone who is extremely wealthy like Amazon CEO Jezz Bezos, decide to invest 1 Billion dollar worth of Steem power and start using that enormous power to flag people?

With 1,000,000,000,000 SP, 100% voting power at 100% vote weight worth a whopping $85,670,000. Jezz doesn't even have to do the dirty work himself, he can use bots to randomize the flagging or just target those star authors. Most payout of the works would be wiped out and users will leave this place as a result. Under current DPOS mechanism, there is nothing can stop him.

Of course, I was just exaggerating for this example but this is not entirely impossible, wealthy malicious group or individual are plentiful out there. This attack is not based on the techie liveliness and the 1/3+ attack or whatsoever geeky stuff, it plays fully according to the rule of Steemit:

Make someone an overload by investing huge amount of SP, then flagging blindly the whole platform.

This was just a weird brainwave without a solid fundamental understanding of the backend technical aspect. Maybe someone can delight me if I'm missing out anything.

有鉴于近来那么多的踩人事件,我突发奇想,发现有种奇葩的攻击 Steemit 方式很可行:

要是有一个好像 Amazon CEO 那么有钱的个人还是团体,投资价值十亿的 SP,然后到处踩人,这里会发生什么事?

要知道,十亿 SP 在满血状态下 100% 的权重可以达到 $85,670,000,足以踩得这个平台上几乎全部人个天昏地暗。当然这只是个极端的例子,但是绝非没有可能的,当然这对攻击者也不能带来什么好处。


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