Steemit : When you should post on Steemit? Very important question answered.

Its been a great pleasure to be a part of steemit community. I want to discuss about a problem that When you should post on steemit?  I am in timezone GMT 5:30.  

A few days back, I was online on steemit for like 10+hrs to analyse the posts. I want to share my results with you guys so you know when to post to get maximum up votes for your content.  

Checkout my post about back to back steem for 10+hrs

  • On Sunday, I started using steemit on 11:40AM and its seems that from 11:40AM to nearly 1PM, Mostly low reputed(25 - 50) people on steemit posted with a few exceptions.  
  • After 1PM the post started coming from more reputed people on steemit , reputation ranging from 25-68 . I commented on a few and got pretty good response.  
  • These High reputed posts kept coming till around 2:30 PM. After that there was again low rep rated posts.
    Around like 6PM-7PM, posts started coming from reputed steemers.  
  • I was offline from 8PM-10PM.
  • Around 10:30PM - 12:30AM approximately, steemit was most active, there were all around posts with high rated and medium rated people on steemers.  

In my opinion, I would recommend you to post on steemit around 12:30PM or 6:40PM or 11:20 because most of the steemers mostly highly reputed active in these timings. I wish you best of luck for your upcoming posts. Keep in mind my TIMEZONE---> GMT 5:30

@bullionstackers asked me to give my experience of back to back steem usage for 10+hrs in comments.

One more thing, Do not exceed the post limit of 4 unless its going to be viral. 

If you find the information helpful, Please FOLLOW and UPVOTE ---> @funnyman

If you find the information helpful, Please FOLLOW and UPVOTE ---> @funnyman

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If you find the information helpful, Please FOLLOW and UPVOTE ---> @funnyman

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