We Fed Hundreds of Homeless People and Gave Them Warm Clothes and Bedding--THANK YOU for All of Your Support! Special Shout Out to @theprophet0

The 4th annual Feed the Need event with Don't Comply was a great success! 

It is illegal to feed people in Dallas, Texas without first acquiring permits, paying taxes, and investing in equipment, but that's not good enough for us. Along with the activist group Don't Comply, we do something about it. 

We fed 300 hot meals to people yesterday and gave them packages to take for later, distributed over 100 sleeping bags, and passed out warm clothing as well as toiletries without complying with any of that bureaucratic tomfoolery, and we may have saved a few lives in doing so -- there was a 50 degree drop in temperature yesterday, and many of these people had to sleep outside in the elements. 

For many reasons, this was one of our best homeless outreach projects yet! More than one person told us they prayed for a warm blanket before we showed up with piles of them!! ❤ 

We will share details of our fantastic day in an upcoming post; for now, we want to say


Our day was made possible by the generous donations of our extended community. Natural Grocers and Trader Joe's in Fort Worth have been hooking us up lately, and we had enough food on hand that we literally could have fed 1,000 meals. We prepared hundreds of meals and will use the rest in future outreach projects. 

We gathered warm clothing, blankets, and toiletries, and Don't Comply received private donations to source the sleeping bags. Many Steemians came out to prep food and run the event, including @emancipatedhuman, @herbic, @sovereignsam, and @murdochpizgatti.

We have a personal, heartfelt thank you message that we want to share with you in gratitude for all the support you have shown our community, @steemit! Every $3 we raise from our operations--including rewards here on Steemit--enable us to harvest, prepare, package, deliver, serve, and clean up 1 free meal to someone in need, thus YOU have helped us help real people and build a happier, healthier world for ALL!

Truly, the Garden of Eden would not exist without the revolutionary vision of @quinneaker. He was disappointed in the world and saw nothing to inspire him, so he chose to create this ecovillage to be the most incredible thing he had ever seen. We are unaffiliated with any religion and do not subscribe to dogma; rather, we live according to values of accountability, integrity, responsibility, and freedom. Every day, we choose to devote our time, resources, and precious manpower to building a world we actually want our children to live in. Thank you, Quinn, for setting high standards for humanity, and for showing us how easy and abundant life can be when we come together to serve each other! 

We hope you are inspired to improve your community and love your neighbor as yourself! Please follow us to get more warm fuzzy feelings from our super successful outreach.


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