A look back in time to where we are now.

It's been an interesting ride since April 2016 that's for sure.

Take a look at where we have come from, in all this time, just to retain a little perspective.

We had the very early adopters, from before July 2016... some nice growth after payouts commenced... a slight decline and then an explosion coinciding with the Asian Crypto expansion.

The graph has always displayed an interesting saw tooth pattern which becomes more pronounced as we on-board more users.

There is a slight drop off at the moment but this is the usual consolidation that occurs after a massive surge in price and accompanying growth spurt. As the STEEM price consolidates and declines a little so does the user base.

Its because most users like to visit the site on Wednesdays every week... I wonder what's up with that?

The last couple of Weeks the US and South Korea have been swapping places.

It's interesting to see India in 4th place and Indonesia in 6th.

It's interesting to also note the respective positions of:

  • Nigeria, Venezuela in 10 and 11th
  • Philippines, Japan in 14 and 15th
  • Mexico, South Africa and Ukraine in 18,19 and 20th
  • China and Brazil are also making a push forward.

Those are just the movers I notice, How is your country doing?(edit: the numbers in these columns are sessions not users)

Now for the biggest surprise of them all... Check out the top three cities.

Seoul - South Korea

Medan - Indonesia

Lagos - Nigeria

Medan and Lagos have just squeezed past the incumbents, London and New York (edit: the numbers in these columns are sessions not users)

How's your city doing? is it on the list?

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