First Steemit Meetup in Florida organized by JerryBanfield

Me and  @Jerrybanfield 

Hi fellow Steemians, 

Our first Florida meetup took place in Sarasota, Florida, USA on August 10th 2017. I would like to begin by thanking  @Jerrybanfield for organizing and making everything happen. And, I would like to also give credit to the 22 of us that attended and took pictures to help make our experience memorable and enjoyable.  It was a great pleasure meeting everyone there! 

Most of you that attended have already made posts about the meeting along with many pictures. I have reviewed everyone's post and decided to make my own as well which included most of the pictures  from everyone's post along with the full video and some of my own pictures put together all in one bundle. I also tried to tag everyone on the pictures :) 

Here are some of the friends that I had the chance to meet at the event:

@bcharles65,@caveproject, @cheshire-wolf, @ginacarr,@johnnyray, @josephmcconnell, @lindsayimwold, @livingwaters, @lexiconical, @lulita,@markvance,@terrybrock, @Totallyjackie, 

Here are the 22 of us that attended the meetup :)

Here are videos of  part of the meeting 

I missed the beginning part and came on a bit later 

Also, similar content filmed by @Terrybrock

Me and @Terrybrock 

With @cheshire-wolf

With  @johnnyray and Bogy on my right together with the rest of the group 

Me and Bogy

@Jerrybanfield,  @caveproject and @cheshire-wolf 

@Terrybrock and @Jarrybanfield 

I missed out on the beginning of the group meeting 

"Are you talking to me?" Lol :) (Source Credit)

Keep calm and Say Cheese :)

"That donut was THIS big!" (Source credit)

@Terrybrock,  Tony Belcastro, and  @cheshire-wolf

  @caveproject and @Terrybrock

@Terrybrock, @Jerrybanfield, and  @ginacarr 

@lexiconical and Tony Belcastro

 @lindsayimwold  and @josephmcconnell

@johnnyray and @Terrybrock

Bogy and @Terrybrock

 Julie Donnelly and @ginacarr 

Julie Donnelly, @ginacarr, and @Terrybrock

 @josephmcconnell and @Jerrybanfield

 @lindsayimwold  and Jerry 

 @ginacarr  and @Terrybrock

@Terrybrock, Jerry, and  @ginacarr 

@markvance and Jerry

  @lindsayimwold and @Jerrybanfield

 @caveproject family 

 @caveproject family  :)

 @caveproject family  :)

Jerry and @totallyjackie (Jackie Simmons) correct me if I am wrong:)

 @lindsayimwold, @Jerrybanfield and  @lulita (right side)

Everyone is getting to know each other:)


References and Source Credits 

I want to make sure that everyone has received credit for the pictures and video:

@bcharles65, @caveproject, @cheshire-wolf, @ginacarr, @Jerrybanfield @johnnyray, @josephmcconnell, @lindsayimwold, @livingwaters, @lexiconical, @lulita, @markvance,@terrybrock, @Totallyjackie

Please let me know if I need to add or edit anything...

Thank you all for the pleasant experience and I will be looking forward for more meetups in the future:)

Best regards,


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