3000+ Steem Power-A Celebratory Post

Plus A Giveaway!

Round here we have cake when we are celebrating, but as that just won't do in this situation; I'm giving away money instead! Yay!

Today I rolled over to 3,000+ Steem Power!


All of those little vests came through good old fashioned maximum effort! Many a night I labored, trying to write the best content that I could in the little allotted time that my life allows. It gives me the glowing feelz when I upvote something and it pays that person, like, a whole penny! Someday, I hope to be able to attain enough Steem Power to have an even higher payout when I upvote. That little thought keeps me chugging away when I feel slightly perplexed by something or incredibly naive and idiotic about how this whole thing works.

Okay, so I know it's probably weird, but I like to take the 50/50 payout on posts, and then when I get to a certain amount of Steem, I power up a big chunk. Most of this is because I have no idea what I am doing, but it's also kind of cool to actually roll that Steem into SP. It makes me feel like I am physically investing in the future of this platform.

When I first joined Steemit on November 18th, 2016, there were a lot of things that I have never done (A small sampling!):

I had never used Markdown-(It sounded like the title of a drinking game!)

I had never bought, earned, transferred, or traded a cryptocurrency.

I had never posted or shared any of my writing for anyone to read.

I had never been a part of or contributed to any kind of online community.

Speaking of community, this community has really challenged me in so many ways! I love to learn, and you all are so generous with your knowledge. One of my only legitimate skills is that I am really, really good at asking the right questions. I might be a librarian. If I can't figure out how to do something, I start typing queries like a mad woman, and somewhere one of you lovely Steemians have provided the data that I need.

How I feel most days as I try to figure it all out: I'm hanging in there!

In fact, today I am going to attempt a Markdown Table to showcase my stats. @steemitguide so generously compiled a post that listed all of their tutorials and guides, how awesome is that?

The Guide

Steem Power3,025

These numbers are mind-blowing to me!

Next week I am thinking about trying my hand at a couple of gifs that I have been ruminating about creating. That endeavor should be at least entertaining!

To all of you that have curated my posts, upvoted my ramblings, taken the time to read my musings, and commented on my scribblings, I just have one thing to say to you all:

Thank you!

And now, on to the giveaway! Another first wall that I want to break through is transferring something to somebody! That said, I am going to randomly select three comments on this post and send the authors of those comments SBD! You've all been so incredibly helpful, welcoming, and generous to me, so here's to paying it forward!

1st Pick Will Receive5 SBD
2nd Pick Will Receive3 SBD
3rd Pick Will Receive2 SBD

Um, so I made another table, cause practice and stuff 😉

I'll be picking the random Steem Dollar Winners this Monday, 3/13/2017!

Keep on Steeming on ya'll!!

And as always, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's lemon, cream cheese icing covered iPhone.

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