Seed Delivery From @papa-pepper

A Post That Overfloweth With Agricultural-Tinged Gratitude

I was completely overdue for a trip to the post office. My post office box reflected this truth as my son and I had to pull items from the box like we were pulling a stubborn goat kid after a long labor. Wedged into the metal square was a yellow envelope, and on the front of that envelope was an address. It is the coolest feeling ever to get mail sent to you addressed to your Steemit username, and the package was from none other than Sir-Steem-A-Lot himself: @papa-pepper!

Now, I have only been contributing to Steemit for a few months, but one thing alone that would keep me coming back to the platform are the adventures and thoughts of @papa-pepper and his lovely family. From the ever-amusing "THE WILD & STRANGE CONTEST" to the @little-peppers FIELD GUIDE posts; I find that I am always entertained and inspired by this kind, creative man and his amazing family.

Papa let me know that he had mailed me some seeds, but I am overwhelmed by the sheer generosity! I mean, he even sent me some pepper seeds!

See this white envelope:

I picked it up at the Post Office today in order to mail Papa and his family some seeds that I have produced. I truly believe that no other user embodies the concepts that make Steemit great. Involvement, work-ethic, creativity, and encouragement are all displayed through his constant input on Steemit, and if you haven't already, follow @papa-pepper. You won't be disappointed!

You sir, are a rock star!

And as always, all images in this post were taken on the author's currently seed packet covered iPhone!

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