I love Steemit, and I really don't like what I am seeing these days.

I don't have the time or patience to write a "stylized, pretty" post. I have some things I want to get out and get off my chest. If I get flagged for it, so be it.
I love Steemit, I love most of the people here, and enjoy spreading rewards around to other people. We all know the platform has some problems. That is one of the reasons the platform is still in "beta". But this behavior that I have seen lately can be described as nothing but selfish. With the broken price of SBD, seems like everyone went out and rented a bunch of delegation just to upvote themselves. As soon as the price of SBD rocketed, the nice, "friendly atmosphere" of Steemit turned into a free for all money grab. No one cares about any one else anymore, just how they can benefit themselves from the platform. No one cares about rewarding good content any more, just about how much rewards their own shit posts can earn them.
Do you guys know that there is an account called @rewardpoolrape posting bullshit posts and dozens of comments on his own bullshit post, then rewarding himself 20+ dollars per comment? No joke. you can see the post HERE. I flagged the crap out of everyone of his comments and his post, and if he flags me for it, so be it. I am tired of the selfish and greedy behavior. It makes me not want to be on steemit anymore. I never did any of the other social media sites, just a couple of games on facebook, and I was only on that platform for the games. Now the friendly people here don't feel so friendly anymore and I don't want to reward people anymore. People are just going to continue to take advantage of me, and continue to take advantage of each other. Now I did everything I could, and I flagged that account with all my voting power, but it isn't enough. And I really don't know what else to do. I would love to go back to just, spreading rewards and upvoting other people just for the good feeling of doing something nice for someone else, but what is the point? No one cares about anything past their own selfish wants and it makes me sad. I don't want to be part of whale wars, but damnit, this behavior can't be allowed to continue. This greed and selfishness of people (I'm not naming names, they know who they are) makes me sick. No one can get a post valued over 10 dollars without being the close personal friend of a whale or by paying for upvotes. That's another thing that gets me. all these groups saying "we'll help you, but only if you pay". It's too much. There are some serious flaws in this system, and aside from pointing them out, and using my measly steempower to flag the behavior at the risk of being flagged in retaliation, I don't know what else to do to try to make this place my favorite place on the internet to spend time. Because it was at one point, my favorite place on the net. But the behavior I am seeing makes me feel like I should power down and walk away from the platform while the coins are still worth something, before all the greed and selfishness ruin it, and steem goes back to seven cents each, only this time they won't come back up.

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