I have identified a problem and propose a solution that will absolutely enhance this platform - how much it enhances Steemit is merely up to us. Oh, and did I mention it's easy?

Please give this a moment of your time and I promise I will do my very best to make it entirely worth it!!

We All Want to Create Better Content, But Not Everyone Knows How

When I came to Steemit, 6 months ago, I was overwhelmed with information. Had it not been for my friend @finnian (who invited me here to Steemit) for helping me find answers - I'm not sure I would've made it this far! I had no idea what Steemit was, how it worked, or even how the post editor worked. I had some HTML knowledge and virtually no markdown knowledge when I came to Steemit.

I learned a TON from reading tips and tutorials from fellow steemit authors but after a while, I realized that not everyone goes digging for that information. Not everyone proofreads their posts or edits the errors for that matter. Maybe it's a time issue. If so, maybe people do not know about free tools like Grammarly, which leaves no more excuses... 😆

After just weeks of being on Steemit, I realized that there were some major problems with plagiarism, misuse & infringement on copyrights, and a huge disconnect between user's content and the platform's abilities. I observed that a majority of authors simply do not format their writing and essentially miss out on more readers and votes. I have seen some improvement in that area, but it still greatly lacks. This platform has the tools in place (although it could use some more) to really create excellent content for the web. That brings more users to this platform and it's something worth working towards - creating better content!

Many great authors struggle to format and create media for posts, but we can change that. I feel that I must share this idea that I believe will inevitably increase quality content on Steemit.

WHY don't more people format their posts? Formatting text and images, breaking up text walls with media, and making the reader's experience a more enjoyable one is NOT impossible. At least not anymore...

People avoid formatting and custom media for two main reasons:

• They do not know how to do it
• They do not want to take an extra step (they are not concerned with quality)

A little HELP solves it all for the first bunch - the second bunch won't matter when there are fewer of them. Education is a key to success and I want more people holding their own keys.

image via pexels.com - an example of quality open license images that can enhance your posts without stealing or copyright issues.

What's My Idea?

It's simple: I want to voluntarily offer my skills, resources/tools, and assistance to authors on steemit that feel that their content would benefit from presenting in a more aesthetically pleasing way! Told you it was simple.

I have already shared this idea in the PAL / MSP DISCORD in the Art Services & Discussion Chat & I expressed to them my interest in pursuing this idea. Now, I'd like to see what my readers think.


That's simple, too... WHY NOT?!

I love to create content and media - why not create more of it and help great authors find greater success? I want to see Steemit grow in positive ways and better content is better for all of us. Many great authors are overlooked here and there are many variables that play into that. I'm simply offering this idea in the raw form, to the steemit community, because it is something that I can & others can do too! The more people willing to offer a helping hand with this initiative the better, so please leave a comment below if you'd like to join forces.


This is also pretty simple - I tried my best to simplify this process, but we can always improve it from here!

I found a real-time multi-party document editor, called etherpad.org. It's an open source project

Etherpad is a highly customizable Open Source online editor providing collaborative editing in really real-time.
via http://etherpad.org


I am not a developer, but I'm sure I could find one here on Steemit! I'd love to had a tool that runs directly on the Steemit Blockchain, but as far as I know, there is not. Etherpad will certainly work for now and if there is a developer or code whiz that would like to help set up a customized instance on Etherpad OR on the Steemit Blockchain - hit me up.

image also via pexels.com - open license, no attribution required (but is always nice!!)


Assuming we have the document editor on Etherpad, we would have an editor setup, where the author and I (the format editor/design aid) will be.

• The author would then copy and paste their text for their post into the editor box, once they have reached the doc editor.

• I (format + design helper) would aid in breaking up text, adding various text sizes for headlines, emphasis, etc.
• I could suggest media or sources that are open license and free from copyright or help create custom graphics/media, etc.
• The author and I would be able to collaborate in real-time about what changes to make and what is being done.

note: It would allow authors with no experience in coding or markdown to learn - on the fly - with their own content! They would essentially be learning how to format and alter their posts simply by observing the changes, live, in front of their eyes.

•When the document is formatted and complete, the author will copy and paste it into their Steemit post box, add their tags and submit. That's pretty simple.


These will be ironed out, but consider this more of me thinking out loud

Since this service would be totally voluntary, it would be at my own discretion. In simple terms: I am not going to format shit-posts, plagiarism, or content that I feel does not benefit the platform. I will review each author request and respond accordingly.

Some posts are long, some are short. For lengthy or high-intensity posts that require more work, I might consider negotiating a reasonable return. I'm not able to commit a great deal of time, so I am trying to spread out my available time to as many great authors as possible.

There are many just like me. Imagine if 10 or 20 people were doing this. How about 10,000 or 20,000... How much better we would all get from raising the standard of how we present information on this platform. I think it would make a tremendous impact on quality and inevitably make us all better creators.

ETHERPAD must be downloaded from the etherpad.org site. I realize that is not optimal. Again, I'd prefer this sort of tool to function right on the steemit blockchain - like the wonderful tools on Steemtools.com, but I have no idea how to create that. I'd love to work with someone who does!

People around the globe present things slightly different - that's why I'm sharing this idea - I need all of you creators around the globe to contribute your skills however you can. Together we will enhance the way information is presented on Steemit. That's beautiful.

Considering this is something that I am doing voluntarily, at my own discretion, for authors that I feel are undervalued - MY VOTE & RESTEEM is virtually guaranteed​. I will ask the author allow me to place a small footer graphic in the post and that's it - no strings attached. The graphic would link to a post explaining this service and how to use it (to be written).

I would like to encourage ANYONE that would like to work with me to improve upon this idea to please leave a message below in the comments

If you would like your content to be reviewed and be one of the first to work with me, please drop a message below + a link if you would like!


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