How I Became a Steemit Millionaire: A Recap of How I Got to Where I am Today!

6 months ago, I told you the secret of how I was able to become a millionaire in 9 days on Steemit!

Do you remember or did you miss that post? Have you just signed up or somehow that crazy headline skipped your feed when I dropped it back in June? That post got over 1,600 views and 380 comments (which was a lot back then!) There's a lot to talk about when the 0's start multiplying! (It's electrifying!)

Everyone wanted to know HOW I did it and luckily, I was and am willing to share my success story with you all!

If you don't know me, you've got to read along to find out how I did it!

In honoring the year 2017 and all the amazing fortune it brought me here, a new family, a creative outlet, ignited passion... I wanted to bring this how to guide back to the surface to share again how you too can become a millionaire on Steemit.

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Recap of 2017:

2017 was a huge year for me (I know most of you are going to skip this trying to find the secret recipe but hang on with me, there was a lot I learned that I would love to share with you) I started blogging overnight and I went from not having any idea what I was doing on here and quite literally crying about it (because I am an overachiever and need to understand and excel at things I put my heart into) to forgoing sleep for days at a time, reading about coding, blockchains and cryptocurrency so I could step up to the plate and be considered worthy to be here! :)

After my late nights of research, I began to understand things that most people probably have no idea about and are honestly, completely unnecessary for interacting on this platform. BUT, I fell in love, getting so wildly in-tuned with the platform, I developed a bond and my blog started gaining more traction, I was meeting new people and I gained an inspired sense of creativity which I had been lacking so, needless to say, things were awesome!

When you are passionate about what you are writing about, people will notice.

That is my biggest piece of advice to everyone out there! I often was asked to write specific pieces but I never did. People told me some of my articles would bomb. I didn't care. I wrote whatever I wanted. The creative genius in me stayed free and happy and so that love flowed through my blog and brought me to meet my lovely community!

At the height of my game, when everything was running smoothly and seemingly perfectly, I had a bunch of life punch me in the face and I had to take off for what I at the time thought would be couple of days here and there. I was gone for 2 months. In Steemit time, that was 1/4 of how long I had been on here in the first place! I started forgetting what I was even doing here anymore as I got whisked away into newness and my username got buried under all the new accounts being made!

I came back after choosing to go to New Zealand to deal with some lifely matters instead of going to Steemfest like I had always intended and now we even have a new logo! (Does anyone else remember the blue waves?)

heartsteem_2.jpg(The time I tried to be the wave!)

I feel like I stepped into a time capsule but getting out in this new time, Steemit is doing amazing as I always anticipated and it's wonderful to see and feel the family growing. I am so happy to be here and am excited to share my secret with you!

My mission:

  • Smiles:
    I have always tried to bring a smile to this platform. I never took selfies before I started my account but now I do every day of me smiling, inspiring smiles is the name of my game! I am an inspirational coach and I look for motivation and sunshine in everything, every day. If something goes bad, laugh it off. Oh boy, I have had a lot go bad lately that I turned into a positive by my frame of mind around it. That's what I am doing here. Trading smiles, hugs and love.

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  • Food:
    I also love inspiring through food, specifically healthy, good for you, nutritionist approved meals (I am also a raw food nutritionist and a vegan awareness advocate) I share incredible, mouth watering recipes to get you inspired to give a plant based diet a go. But hey, if it's not for you, I am not the pushy type and instead offer advice and inspiration only to those who are interested and wanting to learn more. I am always on call if you ever have any questions or recipe requests... if you're feeling this is something you're into click here to see my last post <3

Oh that, it's just this delectably vegan-raw, peanut butter, chocolate cream cake I made...

I am an adventurer by heart and although as you may know, I live in Bali... I am always on the go and love sharing with you the wonderful pictures I pick up along the way. Good thing they can't weight my photos somehow or I'd never get on my flights!


Basically, my whole existence on here is sharing love, happiness, and positivity and hoping that through my world which is strongly focused on living in the present, being free, joyful and healthy will serve as a motivational tool to anyone who thinks they can't get out there and make their dreams come true. No one ever got anywhere without trying. Let me show you that it's possible <3

But now, drum roll because I know you're impatiently waiting but if you've been reading along, I give you a virtual high 5! Here's the secrets from my original post 6 months ago:

The reveal:

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If you're asking that, you're not getting it yet.

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I write about what matters to me, what I believe in, what I love and what comes from my heart.
I only know how to be me, and being me is what I am best at, so that's who I am, that's all I can be and that's how I am able to connect with people on here or anywhere. Be you, too.

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Hey look, it's me!

So let's recap:

  1. Join MSP @minnowsupport, Discord and Chat

  2. Engage and support the community 💜

  3. Be yourself (nobody does it better than you!)
    Got it?
    That's my top secret recipe boiled down for you- use it however you will but always with heart.
    Now if you've made it this far... I really need to commend you on your commitment.

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I mean, I am feeling like a rockstar with all these big bills.


While it's true that Steemit has made me a millionaire... it's actually done more than that for me.
What I have gained here is priceless.
As I mentioned earlier, I have gained truly authentic relationships here which I was lacking in my life prior. I have found a place where I can read, discuss and share my interests with other community members!

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I've learned about community and taking care of one another by being involved in initiatives such as MSP. I am helping other minnows, newbies like myself get a head start.

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I've learned to face some of my biggest fears and have been incredibly supported in doing so, all within under 2 weeks of being here.
Finally, Steemit has provided for me a home to place my thoughts, idea and creativity. My stories are being shared and you have all been supporting me and encouraging me! It brings me happiness to my inner core to hear your positive comments when I share my heart with you.

There are many things money can't buy so no matter how you look at it, Steemit has made me rich and I am so thankful to be part of this community!

And there you have it, a Steemit Millionaire was born! :)

Obviously you can see how much fun this place can be. I hope I've ignited your hearts and that you'll travel and journey along with me! I never leave home without a smile and if my posts don't make you hungry, smile or feel love in your heart... well... I might as well just call it quits now ;)... JUST KIDDING! Never! Here's to the next MILLIONS! <3

000,000 Happy New Year everyone! 2018 is going to be the best yet! Steem On! 000,000 <3

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