Pareto's Principle on Steemit.

First of All What is Pareto's Principle?

The Pareto principle (also known as the 80/20 rule, the law of the vital few, or the principle of factor sparsity states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. Here on Steemit that would translate into 20% of the users receiving 80% of the reward pool or put another way 80% of the users are receiving 20% of the reward pool.

In the world since the beginning of time there has been an ongoing battle between those that have the wealth and those that don't. Here is a graphic taken directly from Wikipedia showing the wealth breakdown across the world.

The Pareto Principle doesn't only apply to wealth. It can be applied to nature, work, life, education or almost anything you can quantify. We used to swear by the Pareto Principle when I was in the Navy. I knew as a supervisor that if I had 10 sailors working for me that 2 would do 80% of the work while the other 8 would be just wasting space.

Pareto's Principle on Steemit.

Guess what, this applies to our glorious Steemit as well. Sure, 80% of the rewards are given to 20% of the people on the platform or maybe less. I guarantee one thing though. Those 20% have been around since the early days of Steemit and have stuck with the platform or they are great writers. How many people on Steemit blog everyday? My guess is about 1% of the the total users. On top of that we have the Pareto Principle applied to those who engage, upvote, comment and Resteem. These people are the beating heart of the platform.

Whenever I hear new people complain that they are not getting traction after 2, 5, 10 articles I just ask them to scroll through how many I have written. I am not gloating, but dammit I show up every day and support this platform. I also share the content out to over 200K followers across social media. How many people on Steemit are sharing their content outside of Facebook or Twitter? Not many, I know because that is what I do 12 hours a day. Social media is my domain and I am not seeing Steemians utilizing social media.

Pareto's Principle is here to stay so folks should get used to it. If people want to complain they should come see me in 5-6 years after they have been blogging as long as I have. Are you saying that I should shut up and get to work? Dam straight!

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