Steemit Statistics - New and Improved WEEKLY EDITION!!

Here are the highlights from this Episode;

  1. Month on Month User Growth: 580%
  2. Month on Month Votes Growth: 2,429%
  3. Month on Month Posts Growth: 1,929%
  4. Month on Month Replies Growth: 3,241%

Every Statistic you would need to know about Steem with workings so you can compute your own…

Considering we have quite a few new Chinese users joining the site (Welcome all), I thought I would tag this post in CN for the first few editions.

These Numbers are based on 30th July @4:30pm GMT

  1. Steem Supply: 116,522,870
  2. Total Steem Power: 113,219,394
  3. Liquid Steem (1-2): 3,303,476
  4. Total Steem Dollars: 1,530,175
  5. Steem/BTC: 0.00365139
  6. BTC/USD$: $656.60
  7. Steem//USD$ (5x6): $2.3975
  8. Market Capitalisation (1x7): $279.363,581
  9. % Steem Power to Steem ((2/1)x100): 97.16%
  10. % Steem Dollar to Steem Market Cap ((4/1)x100): 1.31%
  11. Total User Accounts: 31,958
  12. 7 Day Active User: 16,629
  13. 24hr Active Users: 4,236
  14. Market Cap per user account (8/11): $8,741
  15. % Daily Active Users: ((13/11)x100): 18.6%
  16. % Weekly Active Users: ((12/11)x100): 52.03%
  17. 1MV = 250.026 Steem = $705.82
  18. Top 10 Steem Power Accounts: 313,896MV = $221,554,075
  19. % Top 10 Steem Power Control: ((18/(2x6))x100): 79%
  20. Top 10 Steem Control: 2,807,961 Steem
  21. % Top 10 Steem Control: ((20/(3))x100)): 85%
  22. Top 10 Steem Dollar Control: 686,011
  23. % Top Steem Dollar Control: ((22/4)x100): 45%
  24. Steem Dillution Rate Per Annum: 100%
  25. Liquid Steem Dilution Rate Per Annum: 100%
  26. Steem Power Dilution Rate Per Annum: 10%
  27. Creation and Curation Reward Per Annum: 10% of M.Cap
  28. Total Rewards Per Annum (26x8): $27,936,358
  29. Reward Allocated to Creators p.a (28x0.75): $20,952,268
  30. Rewards Allocated to Curators pa. (28x0.25): $6,984,089
  31. Rewards in Steem Dollars p.a (29x0.5): $10,476,134
  32. Rewards in Steem Power p.a (28-31): $17,460,224
  33. Account Holders 4 weeks ago: 4700
  34. User Growth Month on Month ((11/33)x100)-100: +580%
  35. Account Holders 1 Weeks Ago: 20,786
  36. User Growth Week on Week ((11/35)x100)-100: +54%
  37. Votes Yesterday: 96,736
  38. Votes per active user yesterday (37/13): 22.8
  39. Votes per day 1 month ago: 3,825
  40. Votes Growth Month on Month ((37/39)x100)-100: +2,429%
  41. Posts Yesterday: 4,139
  42. Posts per active user (41/13): 0.98
  43. Posts 1 month ago: 204
  44. Posts Growth Month on Month ((41/43)x100)-100: +1,929%
  45. Replies Yesterday: 19,350
  46. Replies per active user (45/13): 4.56
  47. Replies per day 1 month ago: 579
  48. Replies Growth Month on Month ((45/47)x100)-100: 3,241%
  49. Steem Daily Volume External: $583,257
  50. Steem Dollar Daily Volume External: $77,177
  51. Internal Market Daily Volume: $95,751
  52. Total 24hr Volume (49+50+51): $756,185
  53. 24hr Volume as % of Market Cap ((52/8)x100): 0.27%


Account Number are inflated by 10,000 on due to miners accounts. This was conformed to me 5 weeks ago by @ned.

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