Apply The FOUR Post Limit And Make Steemit Great Again! - Reduce Spam, Reward Pool Rape And Flag Wars!


We have MANY authors who posts more than 8 times per day, (within 24 hours). And most of the authors started to do this when the price of Steem and SBD spiked. I can understand the reason but I do not recommend the approach. On top of that, we have the large bids to the Bid Bots to reap most of the rewards from the bots too. All to increase the authors personal rewards. - Greed has become the "normal" approach on Steemit.

The Flag Wars also exists due to the disagreement on Rewards. That's the main reason for most flags. So instead of flagging people to reduce the rewards and instead of having this much flag wars...

Why don't we just apply the 4 post limit again?


No sane person can produce 10+ articles per day. It might happen once or twice, but most authors are able to produce about 5 or 6 quality articles within 24 hours. Sure, it always comes down to what one person will see as "high quality", but we can all agree on the fact that memes for instance, is not high quality in the sense that we want everyone to post 10 memes per day. - That would become boring very fast.

Also, some authors makes 10 posts per day, 7 days per week and earn $400+ on each post. - That's not good for the growth of Steemit. Imagine if these authors would start to make 100 SBD bids to the Bid Bots too. That would basically mean 10 articles with payouts of anything between $800 and $1000 instead. Per day.

How Is That GOOD For Steemit?

A Four post limit...

Would not only fix the "reward pool rape" it would also solve the spam and low quality articles. At least reduce the garbage being published. And that should also be a superb solution to reduce the amount of flag wars we can see on more or less a daily basis right now.

With that, people can find and reward quality content easier too. So it's definitely a win/win for everyone!

Instead of wasting Voting Power on Flags, people would be able to use that power to reward others... And doing so would help Steemit to grow. - Which we all strive for!

Apply this rule immediately and watch Steemit grow. Many authors would lose rewards by implementing something like this but that would benefit the rest of the community. It's for the greater good and everyone will benefit by that with time. Think Long Term!


/Just My 2 Cents.

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