How To Handle The "Upvote" Beggars? - One Of My BIGGEST Problems On Steemit. [Feature Request: Make Articles INVISIBLE.]


They are everywhere...

I'm talking about the people who ask you to follow and upvote them. - I've written about this in the past too, but today is the day, when a big change will be done.

At first, I thought about flagging them. All of them. One by one. - Every single time I got a message on Discord, or a comment...

In all honesty, my vote is only worth a few cents but a downvote from me, on a minnow-post would still have effect. - I would be able to reduce their potential rewards by "rewarding" them with downvotes due to their stupid behaviour.

  • However, I can't do such things because I'm not a bad person.

Until now, I've been talking with them. I've been trying to discuss things and make them understand why it's a bad approach... - However, I can't do that anymore. - It's a huge waste of my time.

For each day that passes by, Steemit grows... And that's a good thing. We all want that. - But with that, more and more people are starting to send private messages... And that's a bad thing. - A very, very bad thing.

And I'm just a "nobody" on Steemit. I have no idea how I'd react to this behaviour if I were a whale or a dolphin. - I don't envy them at all.

From yesterday until today, I've got 6 messages on Discord and Steem.Chat. - All with the same, lame, boring message.

Upvote me please.

I wouldn't mind messages if people was looking for help or feedback or whatever... - But plain begging messages...

I'm allergic to this nonsense.

Take a look at this...


The very first message I get from this person. - It's a link to their post. Nothing besides that.

I didn't respond to it, and I definitely did not vote on the content...

After approximately 90 minutes, I got another message. From the same person again..

1 upvote please only 1

You can see for yourself. Is that appropriate?
Is that the type of behaviour we want to see, and/or support?

I would love a feature on Steemit that made it possible for users to report this type of behaviour, and ultimately make the posts invisible. Without downvoting/flagging them, as that will hurt their reputation.

Let's say someone are doing this on a regular basis, which I know many people do. - Let's say 10 people report them for a specific url within a time frame of 12 hours or something like that.. - And "poff", their article vanished.

  • I would truly love a feature like that.

These people are here to stay, and they've come for the rewards. They are looking for money and they won't stop until they earn. - And to tell you the truth, I don't think they'll stop even if 10 whales upvoted their content. - They would be out there for more. And more... And more...

They would be out there, slowly killing us all with their shitty upvote-requests.

  • It's a shame and I feel bad for them.. And for all of you who receives these messages.

I've tried to communicate...

I have tried to tell them why it's a bad thing. I've tried to educate them and explain exactly why it will most likely hurt them if they continue...

This is my reply:


You know this behaviour will most likely get your articles flagged. Especially if you send private messages to several people. If that happens, you'll lose rewards. - I won't flag it because I'm not that type of person, but I don't appreciate people begging for upvotes, so I won't upvote it either. - Consider this as a friendly reminder.

The truth is, I am tired of wasting my time.

Even if the first person I talk with truly understand what I'm telling them..

  • Another one pops up a few minutes later again.

That is why...

  • I truly want a "make articles invisible" feature on Steemit.
    That way, these people will stop... And the behaviour will end.

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