✔Outstanding Comments And Commentators Contest #1. [+IDEAS?!]


Comments = Growth.

It's been a while since my last contest, challenge or giveaway, so it's about time!

If you've read some of my previous posts, or other articles on Steemit, you've probably read somewhere that you're able to build your audience if you're active and if you publish content and write comments.

Today, is the day when I take this one step further.

I have been a member on Steemit since July 2016. I am the benefactor of the @asapers and I delegate all my Steem Power to others. - All in an attempt to pay it forward and to help our beloved Steemians and our community to grow.

Meanwhile it's impossible for me to reward everyone on Steemit, there is still something I can do. This is one of those things... But first, I want your help.

I am looking for contest ideas, as I want to host multiple contests or challenges each week. I also want to have SBD as prize money in each contest, so these contests have to be rather easy to participate in and I also want to welcome everyone.

As I am not financially independent, these challenges or contests have to be easy enough for people to participate in, but they also need to be so easy so it's fun to participate for everyone. No matter if you win or not.

Nothing is set in stone as of yet, but I would want to have something like 5 SBD in total prize money per contest, with 3 winners. - And this is where you come in.

I would love to get some feedback on this and I would also appreciate any ideas you might have. I am looking for several ideas. Just message me on Discord or reply in a comment below.

Also, feel free to message any of the @asapers if you have ideas for contests for our followers.

Participate, Nominate And Have Fun!

The first of (hopefully) many future contests to come, is about making comments. In this first contest, there will be 3 winners in total and I will divide the prize money as follows:

1st place: 2 SBD.
2nd place: 1 SBD.
3rd place: 1 SBD.

Bonus: 1 SBD.
To a 4th winner or as a bonus for any of the three winners already selected.

Now, you're probably thinking something like:

What? Comments, Contests and prize money?

Each winner will get their prize upon payout of this article.

How To Participate:

This contest is so easy that even a little kid can participate. The only thing you have to do, is what you're probably already doing. Write comments.

You don't have to write comments on my articles. You don't have to comment on any of the @asapers articles either. You can comment on any article you want. Even a reply to other Steemians comments works!

What you need to do when you participate in this contest, is that you'll have to include the link to your comment in a comment on this article. - That's how easy it is!

Need to hear this one more time?

Step 1. - Write comments. (one or several).
Step 2. - Include the link to the comment in a comment on this article.

You are allowed to share multiple comments (links to comments), but I do not promise you that you will increase your chances by doing that. The contest is easy and already rewarding as it is in terms of growth and the possibility to earn rewards... But with this contest, you'll have an extra chance to earn pure SBD rewards for work you've already done!

How Do I Select The Winners?

As this is the first contest, I will be the only judge. Hopefully, I'll be able to include co-judges in the future, as I truly want these sort of contests to be hosted multiple times per week. - It's all for fun and to give back even more to the community!

Upon payout of this article, I will read each comment you've given me links too, and I will manually select three winners. When I've selected the winners, I will send them the prize money and afterwards make an announcement post where I declare the winners.

How Easy Is That?!

Do whatever you've been doing up to now, continue to do it and share the comments with me... And you might have a chance to earn some extra SBD for the work you've already done!


The best way to contact me is through comments on my articles or on Discord

I do have a life outside of Steemit and the @asapers, and I often get multiple messages each day so it might take some time for me to respond. Feel free to message me again if you haven't heard anything in a few hours or a day.

Take A Look At This Article:

This article covers many aspects of Steemit, so please, make sure to read that before you send me questions you easily could've found the answer for. This makes it easier for everyone!

Thank You For The Support!

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