Please, I beg of you.. Stop This SPAMMING Nonsense! - In-depth explanation & story.

Please, I beg of you.. - Stop This SPAMMING Nonsense!

Dear Steemians (Steemers)..

I wasn't even going to publish another post today, but I must. I feel obligated to do it.

I know I've been talking about how to become an established Steemian and I've shared many tips to give you all a "shortcut" and a head start.. - I know you've been reading tons of information from other authors about the same subject as well..

Steemit is a fantastic place and it's an insane potential source of extra income. - You want it. You need it. And you will do whatever you can to get it.. Right? - But you're doing it wrong!

Like I've stated in previous articles, don't do follow for follow. I don't do it. I build my following in other ways. I interact with people's content and I publish articles and respond to the comments I get.. - It's easy and it's working out pretty well for me.

I could engage in more content, I could comment more and publish even more articles.. I could do several things. I could go to the chat and talk with people even more, which obviously is a good way of doing things. That way, you'll become friends and reap rewards for doing that. - It's a great way to reap rewards..

However, what I would never do..

Is to start sending people private messages with a link to my latest article and beg for an upvote, a resteem or a follow.. - That will most likely ruin your chances.. And it will hurt you in the long haul.

Today alone, I've got 4 different messages, from 4 different people.. And all of them are saying the exact same thing.

Please upvote. Please resteem. Please follow. I will do the same.

Hear me out..

I know that things like that might seem like a good option.. But seriously, it's not. Not at all. - Sure, you might be able to score a few upvotes and a few more followers by doing that.. - But will that really help you in the long haul?

You could obviously send private messages to the whales and dolphins too, and yeah, if you're lucky, you'll get an upvote or two.. - But is one or two posts with above average results good enough for you?

  • What do you think will happen if you continue to do this?

They will ignore you. And if you're unlucky, they'll even remember you, and decide to NOT upvote you in the future too, all because of the fact that you were greedy in the beginning.

And that's the chat I'm talking about..

When it comes to spamming published articles with links to your amazing posts.. - Don't.

What do you think will happen if:

  • 50 people started to spam other authors with links to their posts?
  • 50 people started to ask an author for a follow?

You get my point.. - None of them, would benefit by doing that. - And why is that? - Because not even one single author would have the energy to continue to follow, upvote and resteem every single person, so they would ultimately ignore them all.

  • Is that a risk you're willing to take?

Are you desperate enough to put your own success at risk?

Take it slow. I've managed to get more than 600 followers but I've been here for almost 1 year. Some people get followers faster than me and that's okay. - I want to build my following steadily and by my own. I don't want to force people to upvote, resteem my content and I don't want to force people to follow me.. - By doing things the way I do it.. I make sure that every single person have followed me due to their own will.. - And that's what will give me the most rewards in the future.

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