Steemit WILL Be The BEST Social Platform In The World Due To Our Leaders.

"Leadership is not managing people. No one wakes up and wants to be managed. We want to be lead by good leaders."

We Have AMAZING Leaders.

Take a look at @acidyo and the OCD project. Take a look at @aggroed and MSP. We also have @teamsteem and many others like @ausbitbank. - All of them are good leaders.

I am not as famous as them and I don't have the same support or following. However, I am still a good leader because leadership is not about taking care of everyone. Leadership is about taking care of the people who're taking care of the people.

I strive to encourage, support, help and to make others feel safe on Steemit. This is exactly what the people I mentioned above are doing with their projects and their approach.

@aggroed cannot care about everyone involved in MSP, just like @acidyo cannot spend all his time to lead and care about everyone around him. - That's why they have others to help them.

They are good leaders due to the fact that they care about the overall experience. They have people close to them that they care about. They share the same visions and have the same goals. They work for the same cause and towards the same things. They care about the people who cares about the people.

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"I usually don't tell people what they should do. I show people what I've done myself. That is what leadership is all about."

For those of you who've read some of my previous articles or for those of you who've been following me during my 18 months on Steemit should know that I always care and that I always strive to encourage, motivate and help others around me.

I usually don't tell people what they should do. I show people what I've done myself and I have often referred to myself as a "Support Pillar" because that is who I truly are.

Take one of my recent articles as an example.

I shared my success I had from an SBD trade. I sold SBD for profit during the SBD-spikes we've seen. I did that for the very first time and I made 2 and 3x profit. - When a fellow Steemian ( @weetreebonsai ) asked for help and a more in-depth explanation, I explained.

  • I tried to educate and teach others.

Even though I explained the whole procedure in private on, I also wrote a simplified tutorial on the subject upon her request. - Not only to fulfill her request but to educate and show others as well.

Next time another Steemian are facing the same issues, struggles or problems, I am certain of the fact that @weetreebonsai will be there for them.

And That's What It's All About!

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"My readers are without a doubt my most valuable asset. They deserve my utmost respect. Without them I would be nothing."

I work hard to interact and communicate with my readers. I try to respond to each of the comments I get on my articles. I also recommend other authors to do the same.

See this article for more information:
Make Steemit An Even Better Place: Interact With Your Audience.

I do this due to my beliefs of growing as a community. My readers spend time writing comments on my articles and the least I can do is to respond or upvote. - If I ignore or neglect those around me, I will be treated the same way.

My reply would be seen as a token of appreciation. A way of saying "thank you" for the support and their time. An upvote, no matter the value, would also be seen the same way.

A good leader should do these things. This is also why I respond to each message I get on or on Discord. - I try to see the bigger picture.

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Everyone can be a leader. We all have "what it takes" to become a leader... But that doesn't mean that everyone should be a leader and it doesn't mean that everyone will be a good leader.

A good leader should not compete against or fight their competitors. A good leader should think about what they can do to be even better. They should work hard so they can help other people to become even better.

  • That's how they will beat their competitors in the long run.

Bad leaders are in continual battle to beat their competitors. They want to put them out of business. They are looking for results today. They work without long term goals in mind. It's okay to not be the best or to have the best product or the best article. Good leaders will work towards long term goals because they don't mind to have less results today.

  • They see the bigger picture.

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I will continue to work hard towards a better place. I will continue to put in hours of effort in my attempt to encourage, motivate and support those around me. I will continue to be the support pillar I am.

I will continue to create "noob-friendly" tutorials and articles. We are user-friendly. Steemit is user-friendly but we're user-friendly to those who already have experience or for people who're easily taught.

If we want mass adoption, we also have to educate and motivate the newcomers. Even those who're struggling to understand how Steemit works. One cannot teach these people with in-depth analytics or numbers. We need to educate and teach them with the use of guides, tutorials and answers even a kid can understand. With or without cryptocurrency experience or knowledge. From wealth or poverty. With English as their mother tongue or not...

We shall welcome everyone.

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