The Pillar of Support And The Foundation To Greatness. - My Work Is Never Done.


I am a pillar of support.

Always have been and always will be. - When people talk about me, I want them to say:

"Oh, that guy who did all of this and that and the guy who helped us with this and that."

In all honesty, I've been on Steemit for 1 year now and yesterday, was a superb day for me. It was the first time I reached a $100+ post in 10 months... - That's a token of appreciation and approval.

A few days ago, I shared some personal thoughts and I also shared my answers for multiple questions... - Questions like:

  • Why Do I limit Myself and Why Do I Focus on Minnows?

Have you ever built a house?

Perhaps you haven't, but as a kid then. Did you ever build a treehouse?

You need a solid, sturdy foundation to build a house. Without it, the entire thing will collapse. - Steemit, is like a house. If you put pressure on something without a solid foundation, it will collapse. Do you want that to happen?

As I'm not Mark Zuckerberg or any other multi-millionaire, I can't invest tons of cash and contribute that way. - What I can do, is to aid others with my knowledge, experience and expertise.

We have a solid foundation already. We have tons of whales and an awesome community. - We have developers and great minds who push themselves to their limits to make Steemit an even greater place with new tools and things like that.

We also have great initiatives like @randowhale, @booster, #whaleshares and @minnowsupport. - All these things acts as a pillar of support. - These things help to keep the entire platform solid. - And why?

Let's be honest here..

Minnows, are basically the most important thing for Steemit. If we're looking to expand Steemit and to grow Steemit into a large Social Media Platform.

Whales and Dolphins are of utmost importance too, as they already contribute to the community with things like investments, high quality content and exposure. On and off Steemit. - #Minnowsupport is a superb initiative that helps the "little guys" to grow. - It's no wonder the Discord channel have more than 2000 members already.

@randowhale, @booster and #whaleshares are also extremely important, as they will help users in general, no matter what voting power, reputation score or Steem Power amount you have. - Everyone can use these services and these things help Steemians to play along. - We're all in this together, and most of us are looking for the same things. - To build the most awesome Social Media Platform that ever existed and Rewards.

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We have our differences and we can't agree with everyone at all times.. - Some would say that @randowhale and @booster does nothing but Destroys the platform and others, like me, would say it's a superb initiative.

I am nothing near a cryptocurrency expert and I don't know all the technicalities. I don't know exactly what it takes for a cryptocurrency to increase or decrease in value, or how to prevent it. - I don't know exactly why Steemit doesn't have 5 million users or how long it will take to get us there... - But I do know one thing.

  • I know that it takes time and effort to achieve great things.

I also know that it takes only 1 person to get the ball rolling. - One cannot do everything, but one can do something. And that is what it takes.

That's why I will continue to help others. That's why I will act as a pillar of support. - If I can help, motivate, inspire or encourage one single person on Steemit... - Then I've done something.

I don't do the things I do because I don't trust initiatives like #minnowsupport or anything like that. Just the opposite. I do this, because I want to help as much as I can. - Even though great initiatives already exists.

With one single push of a button, a whale can literally change a person's life. - Well, at least a persons day, or week. - If you could press a button to help a stranger, would you do it?

That's basically what whales are doing when they upvote your content. Let's say you suddenly had a donation in your wallet or, more likely, that you had been upvoted by a whale. - Your potential rewards are up to $100+. Perhaps $200 or even $300.

You'll have the time of your life, right? - But what will you do with the rewards?

Would you withdraw the money as quickly as possible to pay a bill, buy yourself some nice clothes or would you do something different? - Would you do something to give back to the community?

I won't lie. I'm withdrawing some of my earnings. However, I do other things too. - I support my fellow Steemians. - I give away SBD and I come up with new things to give away even more SBD.. I donate SBD to personal causes, I Resteem content and I upvote minnow-articles... - I even delegate some of my Steem Power even though I'd probably need it myself.

  • And why?

Because I know what it feels like to be considered a nobody. - I know how you feel when you've spent 4 hours writing an article and you earn nickels and dimes. - I've been there so I know what I'm talking about... - And that's the reason I do the things I do.

I strive to motivate, encourage and inspire others... - To help them to grow, in some way. As a Steemian or an individual.

We all, will benefit from that in the long haul, and I'm here for that.

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