When To Publish Your Articles For Maximum Exposure. [Battle plan]


Fellow Steemians,

We all want exposure. We would love to get thousands of readers, thousands of followers, hundreds of comments and tons of $ rewards on your content. - But how do we get it?


That's a very common question and truth to be told, there is no secret formula. I have been a member on Steemit for 1 year now and I've had my fair share of "mistakes" and "failures". - In all honesty, I haven't had any failures or mistakes at all... But I've had some insane rewards a couple of times, even though I got most of them 11 months ago. - That being said, I've had some amazing rewards on a couple of articles but most of my articles haven't reached life-changing rewards. - In that sense, I am just like you and most of the other Steemians.

Hard work & effort.

These are the key ingredients for success. High quality is another ingredient. Timing and luck is two other factors. - There's a handful of things you should focus on. Build your following, interact with your readers and all these sort of things...

However, you need to understand that both timing and luck will play a major role when it comes to getting a highly rewarded post. - At least for minnows and for Steemians who haven't established themselves enough to get regular support from dolphins, follow-trails and/or whales.

This kid's timing is incredible.

What To Do Then?

When I first started out, in July 2016, I did some research.
I tried to analyze people's behaviour. I tried to find specific voting patterns and the best thing I came up with, was to publish articles multiple times per day, at different hours.

I live in Sweden and I've been working online for several years, so I already knew that time zones would play a huge role. At least in terms of sales. I've been a freelancer for years and I knew that people from the US would be awake and active when the time in Sweden were between 01.00 PM and 06.00 AM. - That's how things works in my business, so I guessed it would be more or less the same on Steemit too.

That means, that I would be able to reach more people if I were to publish my posts during these hours. Which means very late days and nights for me.

I am basically awake during the evenings and nights and I sleep during the mornings and days. - As I've been doing that for the last couple of years, I'm totally fine with that... And it's the ideal thing for me.

That being said...

Even though you might have a higher chance to gain exposure for your articles during these hours... You shouldn't focus on people from the US.

I guess it was a pretty huge deal "back in the days", a year ago... As whales were voting all day long, but things aren't like that nowadays. - Nowadays we have Streemian and voting-trails. We have bots and you don't even have to spend time in front of your computer at all and you can still upvote your favorite authors.

Also, Steemit has grown. By multitudes. - There are people from all over the world nowadays, so you can reach tons of people whenever you publish your articles.

Not only that. Due to Streemian and trails, it's enough if you reach one person, and as soon as that person votes on your content, all the users who follows that persons trail will vote on your content too. - Automatically.

And even though it's not too likely that you'll get votes on old content, you can get votes all the way until you have 12 hours remaining on your posts. Before payout. - Some of the generous whales and dolphins are actually browsing the entire platform to find some gems to upvote, so you'll have a chance for upvotes until you get paid for your articles.


  • Make a habit of your own.
  • Publish multiple posts per day.
  • Publish on different hours.
  • Stick to your plan.

That being said, I should not even have to tell you to publish quality content. - So make sure to publish 3 quality articles instead of 8 articles of poor quality. - If you can publish 4 articles of high quality per day, that would be great!

It's easy to keep track of the results you get if you publish 3 or 4 articles. Keep track and take notes. - Do this for about 1 week. After that, you'll be able to see exactly how many eyeballs and upvotes you've got. And the amount of comments.

The week after that, reduce the posts you make, and make 1 less. Always reduce the article that brought you the least results. - After 2 or 3 weeks you'll be able to see a great pattern, and that's when you start to produce even more articles again, or higher quality. Longer content. - Whatever floats your boat.

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3 columns
2 columns
1 column