Why Steemit will Fail

Not totally, it has a good chance of survival, as a platform. But it will fail in the sense that it was meant as a platform that rewards quality content. It was supposed to be a free association of individuals that would expose us to all sorts of unknown talent, from all corners of the world.

Let's be honest, how many of us harbored a secret wish that Steemit was a new type of society, a society of the future?

But that's not going to happen.


Because instead of exposing ourselves to this new concept and working together to build, we're just dragging the same old society structure unto this great platform.
I doubt I need to explain this to you, because I hope that the smarter ones among you have figured this out as well. But just in case you haven't...

1. Little Churches

In this sad little world of ours, society works on the little churches structure – you are not recognized for your talent, skill or unique voice.
And don't you go spouting that BS, 'cause they're gonna laugh in your face.


In today's advanced society, successful people are not defined by talent, but by who they know. Hollywood is a great example of this, especially in light of the recent sex scandals – it's not how good a performer you are, it's whom you've slept with.
In fact, I believe that's where all the trouble started – those actresses in the Weinstein scandal did what they did because they wanted the part. If they hadn't...well, they wouldn't have got the part, duh.
And it's the same in all fields of work – for artists of any kind, for corporations, even in churches.

And it's something we really hoped to escape with Steemit, isn't it?
But we didn't escape it. Instead, we just transferred this sordid little system unto this idea that once had potential. On Steemit, it's exactly the same situation.
It may not involve sexual favors, but it's still a simple matter of who you know. You see hordes of posts that get rewards – some very good rewards – simply because they're associated with a certain grouping.
There are loads of talentless people here with reps of 60 or above, simply because they befriended the right people, because they kissed the right ass.

And we shut ourselves in. We create groupings of loyal followers. Most users here work on an upvote for upvote basis. So, we have this network of 10-20 people whom we upvote no matter what and rarely look outside.

2. Freedom of speech

I was just reading a post, well, a rant, really, by an individual complaining that certain things should not be posted on Steemit, because they're not worthy.
No, it wasn't porn or anything like that. At the same time, I'd rather not name names, because that is not what this is about.


We've all seen one such post.

Posts about X should not be on Steemit!

Why? Because you say so? And who put you in charge? I thought the whole idea of Steemit was that no one was top dog, so no one could decide.

At the same time, it's only normal that you, as the complainer, have the right to complain about whatever you want. You don't think posts about X should be allowed on Steemit and you write a post about that. Fair enough.
Freedom of speech entitles you to writing this post. Same goes for the real world, more or less.

But what's bothering me here is...WHY do you feel the need to complain? Just because you have the right? Because freedom of speech allows you to say what you don't like?

But that goes against everything Steemit was supposed to be. Why do you need to be against something? They're not taking from your rewards, so let them post, let them write whatever they want.
Image - Are we really?

Steemit was supposed to mean freedom, a place where people could come and post their quality content and be recognized for it, maybe even get rewarded for it.
To complain that there are posts (that have been worked on, not mindless spam) which you don't think should be there is so petty and childish.

It's the same mindset that is ruining our real life society. We are unable to work together, so we tear each other down.

And instead of leaving this attitude at the door when we enter the Steemit community, we drag it in with us and continue to bite at each other.

We allow selfishness and self-interest to shape our new society.

Does nobody realize that – at this pace – it will only be a reboot of our old fucked-up society?


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