Day 22: FAB for 40 Journal: Financially Free, Attaining Aspirations and Being Beautiful


F = Financially free
A = Attaining my Aspirations
B = Being Beautiful inside and out

Happy New Year!

My new year is filled with drama so far. My daughter (or me) left the hamster cage door open, so at the moment Squeak Squeak (or Mole as I call him) is in my room. I have attempted to catch him 3 times, but as I didn't eat all day and am a bit squiffy from 1 glass of new year champagne (cos I only drink champers darling NOT).

it is no easy feat, but I'm ready and listening out for the next sighting...

I got him, he is back in his cage now. I am a master hamster catcher!


F = Financially Free

So what I did I do today to become financially free?

I wrote a good post on decluttering that kind of covers being financially free as it will allow me to clear my mind and be able to focus some more, rather than seeing utter clutter everywhere.

Things, Things Everywhere - IT MUST ALL GO! (How to Declutter)

And books and memories I'd rather put behind me now. It is time to move on and be clutter free. I don't need stuff. I have my kids, and my goal of helping people, but me first, so I can clear my debts and be financially able to support me and my kids, without government or parental intervention. That is the goal for the next three months, then everything extra will be about helping people and driving lessons.

I will be Debt Free!

It is not an awful lot, considering some of the debt I have been in throughout the years. Probably about £3,000 if I've not missed anything major out.

I did get some nice new year news. I invested in @Steemprentice in November 2016 and they are paying out a bonus of 460 Steem each to their members:

Thank you For Supporting Steemprentice Over the Past Year

Thank you, that'll help significantly with my Steemit goals in the next few months, even if its paid bit by bit over the coming weeks.


A = Attaining my Aspirations

Today, I inadvertently fulfilled my aspirations.

My friend @pennsif said that she had a Rep of 59.996 and wanted to get 60 before the new year and as I had done a vote the previous night that has assisted someone to get to 60, I offered to do the same for her.

It worked.

But little did I know that @pennsif had pledged 20 SBD to @YouAreHope and @schoolforsdg4 earlier in the afternoon if she reached 1000 followers and 60 rep by midnight.

So ended up helping people in Venezuela, Nigeria, the Phillipines and a school for slum children in Bangladesh with that vote.

How awesome is that?

How awesome is Steemit? What a way to start the new year. I'm chuffed to bits.

B = Being Beautiful Inside and Out

This is some advice, my dear friend Duro (@awakentolife) recently gave me:

Always trust people. It shows who you are, and that is an amazing person willing to trust others even if you have been let down before. It takes courage and a big heart to do so. I learned if you keep giving trust sooner or later the right people will come into your life. So any trust you have given so far is not a waste. It just showed you those are not the right people for you. It is not easy being let down, but think of it as a roadmap to the RIGHT people.

It is something I have been thinking about a lot these last few days. I have so much contrasting information in my head right now, but this gives me an anchor - a bay of peace. I need that right now,

Next thing is to make my home a peaceful place, by decluttering and being ruthless.

This song is a bit of what my head is going through right now:

Torn Apart...

(except it is not love that is dividing me, more a lot of what I think is being challenged and it's more than my poor brain can handle at the moment)

It is just a time of transformation and all that jazz that comes with that. It will all be okay and the person who comes out the other end, will be stronger and know her mind.


Lines to Live by

I love my life.
I am beautiful.
I am powerful.
I am free.
I love my life
I am wonderful.
I am magical.
I am me.

Lyrics by Robbie Williams


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