4 Things You Should Stop Doing on Steemit Immediately!

There are some practices which don't work so well on Steemit. Rather than working, they limit your chances of making any gains. It doesn't matter whether you are new to Steemit or have spent some time here, there are a few things you should stop doing right now!

Let's see what these things are...

1. Blind Following 

One of the biggest Steemit mistakes people do is blind following. When you follow people without looking at what they are all about, blind following is what you are doing. Blindly following others is destructive because it floods your feed with low quality posts coming from people you never tried to know about. 

Know who you follow. Follow quality Steemians and interact with them. 

This is how blind following works. Don't do it!

2. Mass Following

Mass following means following huge number of people. It is different from blind following because it concerns the number of people rather than their identity or quality. But, blind following is the ultimate culprit behind mass following as well. 

I have seen people who follow thousands of profiles, may be in the hope to get followers back. However, it not only fills their feed with crap but also the followers  got this way are of no use to them. 

The best followers are the ones who follow you out of liking or inspiration because you shared something which they found useful.

In a mess of so many people, you become irrelevant. Do not mass follow!

3. Valueless Comments

Do you have followers who add no value to your blog or content through their detailed comments and deep interactions? Consider following situations.

  • Do you like it when someone leaves a completely irrelevant comment on your post? 
  • Do you like when people just type two words or just one word as comment? 
  • Would you mind if someone copy paste a comment containing link to his profile, asking follow for follow?

Now put yourself in those situations. Do you think it is of any benefit or value to others if you leave useless comments on their posts? The truth is that you won't like such comments on your posts so, you shouldn't be originator of such comments on others' post as well.

Steemit rewards value addition. If a person adds no value to Steemit or you, why follow him/her?

PS: You can have a look at my comments to see how I interact with fellow Steemians.

Now that's a useless spammer!

4. Repelling Good Steemians

Last but not the least, the worst thing to do is automatically repel good Steemians because of posting bad content or doing any of the things mentioned already in this post. Why would the shining stars of Steemit interact with you? Why would they care to upvote your posts?

Stop the follow for follow trend. Start interacting in a valuable way and you'll find yourself in good environment on Steemit.

Don't force good people to say that to you.


I have covered Steemit on my blog in much detail. This post another contribution towards a better Steemit community. All these points are personally followed by me and I have seen huge benefits in such a short time. Sharing this knowledge and guidance is my way of adding value to the Steemit community.

This post hopes to achieve the following aims.

  • Practical advice to my followers to avoid the useless practices.
  • Educating new Steemians so that they could have a better start.
  • Creating a better community by getting rid of unwanted behaviors.
  • Reaching out to maximum people so that they can benefit from it (not possible without your resteems).

I hope you liked this post. I am thankful to you for reading this and grateful for your upvotes and resteems.

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