Spamming comments on steemit - seems like spamming machine reached a new level, grew itself a tiny brain and attacked again

Earlier I already wrote an angry post about "Upvote and follow" comments. Seems like now this wave goes lower, but instead of it we have new one rising. 

Everyone experiences it differently, I know only how I experience it on the example of my art blog. Yesterday I already seen a post like this, but want to make my own, with may be some specific explanations.

 First of all - I always, and I mean ALWAYS check out blogs of these steemians who left me a comment. I check out, find the post I like, upvote it, and say something in the comments IF I HAVE WHAT TO SAY. But never, and I mean NEVER "Upvoted you, and followed, now you do the same" will make me to do the same. 

But to go wider - such comments is not the only way to spam other blogs. Have a few examples today.

I posted a drawing. Well, my blog is about art, and in 99% cases it's my art - so that's what I do, I post drawings and paintings, with process or without it, stories about artists, reviews of artbooks art art supplies - all the art related stuff. And my dog, cause she's too cute and I can't help posting her. But in general - drawings. It's my life, my work and my hobby, everything in one word.

 What do you think my reaction is when under the drawing, especially digital I see a comment like:

"Nice photo! You must be professional in photography!"  

Oh hell... Let me tell you the secret. I have no idea how to hold a camera, and where to press. To make a good photo. I take all photos of my pics with my cell phone. And I'm NOT a photographer. Yes, I admire people who can make good and creative shots. But I'm not one of them!

Another secret is - it can take hours to make a good drawing. Even days. So even if the post includes only a drawing+few words of description - it took a lot of time and effort. And only a second to take a photo of it. And even after this - nice photo? Oh, hell...

"Good post"

Also feels like spam. Really? What should I answer to this? Thank you? That's what I do.

And feel after it like a "Thank you" spammer...

The new feature I saw just today in the morning - "Welcome to steemit" comment. From a newbie. Yes. Not under the intro post. I even can't say anything about it.

And my favorite one,star of the collection, the phrase that annoys most:

"Keep up the good work!"

REALLY??? Thank you so much for giving me this tip! What would I do without you? Perhaps I would just throw all my art supplies out of the window, dance on my laptop until it turns to a pile of garbage, then leave my house for the forest, and would wander there until I'd break both legs falling to a ravine where later bears would eat my dead body! But you saved me, you said that I must keep up the good work! Oh, NOW I'll keep it!

OK, sorry for the angry post. But dear newbies, do you even think what you're writing? Or you're just live versions of spam bots?

Love, Inber

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