Of course, the short answer is: yes
In the past, I would go to reddit.com just to see what's going on. But increasingly, I've opted to just go to steemit.com instead. But here's what I see on trending at the moment:
- contest
- chainbb
- steemit
- bitcoin
- beyondbitcoin
- cryptocurrency
- art
- steemmag
- news
- motocross
Compare that to reddit.com:
- r/fun
- r/worldnews
- r/BikiniBottomTwitter
- r/gaming
- r/funny
- r/news
- r/Whatcouldgowrong
- r/BetterEveryLoop
- r/evilbuildings
- r/pics
So which one looks more interesting to the mainstream? I don't know. It's a subjective analysis.
In the steemit example, 4/10 are STEEM-related. In the reddit example, 0/10 are reddit-related.
In the steemit I would estimate 4/10 would relate to general appeal. In the reddit example, I'd estimate it's closer to 8/10.
So, the question, "Should Steemit Be the Front Page of the Internet?" I still say yes it should, but we might have a long way to go.
Of course, this is just a random sample on a random day with my own subjective estimates. I'm not sure if this is a problem either. It'll be interesting to see how this looks in one week, after #HF19.