how to create your first $1000 steemit post.png
Ok so I haven't created a $1000 post yet on Steemit but I have a very good idea how to do it.

It all starts with an attention-grabbing title. I bet How to create your first $1000 Steemit post grabbed your attention.
Then you are going to have to write about what Steemit users want to read about. So the question is:

What's your thing?

Well, I'm all about helping members understand. If I learn something new then I write about it in my own words and then try to spell it out in simple terms so everyone can understand.
Take for example my previous Steemit post Steemit SEO Guide - How to rank on Google where I break it down as to how to optimize your posts for SEO so that you are seen outside of Steemit. That's what we do over at Infobunny and HowTo8App we explain how the different social sites work, how to best use them and how to grow your followers.

When you know your thing, create your thing

This post is about simply making you think about what you are doing and why you are doing it. When you know what you are doing then you are clear on what your doing. When you are clear on what you are doing then the results come.

Images are key

A good visually appealing image grabs a visitor as much as a killer headline. They also encourage shares to other social sites. Here is a useful article. How to optimize your images for social media

Engage with others

Social media is about engagement. If you are not gonna engage with me why would I engage with you? Upvote content you like. Re-steem to your page and tell the author you have done this in the comments. Tell them something good about the content they have created. Share your ideas and opinions. Cultivate and build those relationships. Become a social influencer. Get known for what you do. This is how you create your first $1000 Steemit post.
It might not happen right away, but it will happen.

Let's see how long it takes me ;-)
Regards Dexter

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