Three Applications I Recommend - Time & Sanity Guaranteed

Three Applications I Recommend

Time & Sanity Guaranteed

The list of applications associated with Steemit is endless as is the quantity of things to learn and develop. These are three I couldn’t live without, well I could but Steemit would be a much darker place.


In all honesty, if you live in the dust zone and haven’t yet found the time to join Discord, do it now, I know there is so much to learn and who needs another application to navigate but this one is a tool worth discovering. While it may not save you much time You can get lost in some of the servers it will give you some sanity as you start to receive comments and upvotes for your much under-appreciated awesome work.

My first introduction to Discord was funnily enough not though Steemit, I have a gamer friend that uses for WOW and set it up so we could message, I used it once, woke up to 100 messages from a server I had no clue about and promptly deleted it.

It wasn’t until I found Steemit that I found a reason to reinstall and with some messing about, figured out how to not only leave a server Sorry WOW but mute them to stop the incisive beeps. I will list some of the servers I am part of and why below but know this is not an exhaustive list, it’s not even a list of all the servers I sit in, there are too many to name but know if you need it, it probably already exists, it’s just about finding it, asking questions in these servers can help you find out more.

Note that most of, if not all require some sort of registration, be it sending 0.001 SBD/Steem to prove you are who you say you are or resteeming and upvoting their latest curation posts.


This is not the first one I joined but it is the one I am most active in, that may be because I run it, along with my husband @shai-hulud and a team of wonderful @asapers behind us. We are a pay it forward curation team that shares profits directly with our followers, as we only curate directly from our following.

We also have a post-promotion channel that allows our followers to directly engage with each other upvoting and commenting on work they find valuable.

The Steem Engine

This may be the first server I joined outside of my accidental WOW adventure, it’s also where we got the idea for our post promotion channel as they engagement and community within this group is one we hope to emulate.


This would have been the second server room I found mainly due to being part of #teamaustralia and chatting with other Aussies but then I found the $upvote room…. A blessing in disguise not to be abused by shit posts. It allows you to link your recent work and get an upvote directly from them and some others that follow the curation trail.

When I started you could do this every 12 hours, it is now every 48 hours due to its popularity growth and need to keep it’s VP at a decent level, for this reason, you may also so find him sleeping, please don’t spam the room with your posts if he is, just be patient and check back in the next 24 hours to try again.

This channel also has a contest room where you can check out all the contests that have been left there, a great way to get started as most of the times, these contests are giving away Steem/SBD, @steembasicincome Shares or Delegations.


Besides being one saucy minx, I may have a lady crush . I love her and you will too if you already don’t know about her, she is your one-stop information shop and it there to make sure you don’t miss a thing on Steemit, in all honesty, she is my first port of call for what is going on with my Steemit accounts.

She lives in the Minnow-Power server and like I said is worth her weight in gold, this one like PAL requires you send 0.001 Steem or SBD to register. She was developed by @neander-squirrel. If you find it useful please consider donating something to him to say thanks. HERE is some additional information on how to join.


Ever wonder how the formatting in some posts works? Go to the URL and change "steemit" to "steemd" it will show you that post in all its markdown glory. It's a great way to learn formatting styles. It took me about two months to find this beauty.

I have used it daily since, in the beginning, to learn and now to copy my footer and general formatting from my prior posts. Or in the case of the @asapers to copy the format for the curation READ me ASAP issues. This saves me heaps of time and ensures I don't need to be linked to any system to access my saved files as it’s all saved on the blockchain.

Fast Reply

I only found Fast Reply recently and I really do like it. I had a migraine the other day and it lasted over 24 hours which put me so behind on my responses to my lovely commenters. Fast-Reply collated all my comments in one place. No distractions flipping between screens and scrolling through posts to see the comment related to you.

Added bonus no 20-second wait rule, not generally an issue for me but very helpful when responding to my What is it? Contest

Another thing I noticed is even when I think I have answered all my comments I log into fast reply and see some I missed. My engagement has gone up since @lynncoyle1 introduced me to the application developed by @roxane.

You log onto Fast Reply using steem connect.

The one thing I am not that thrilled with is the auto-posting of "Sent with Fast-Reply". I have never been a fan of auto-posting and it was one of the reasons I was turned off bots, that, and the almost 100% chance of losing on the investment made. This is the main reason I don’t use it 100% of the time, that and the fact that it does not show the context as to which the reply was given, there is a direct link in the top right corner to either Steemit or Busy so you can find the context but not easily.

So that's it from today, I do hope that some of the above information can make your time on Steemit more enjoyable and remember what's dust today may be huge tomorrow, just keep Steeming on and I hope to see you next time.

As always thanks for reading and if you have some VP to spare an upvote would be appreciated and as I think this is good information a resteem could help others find it too.

Power Up and Steem ON!

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Want some inspiration, a hint or a maybe a laugh, I'm pretty funny I have been told. CHECK out these posts, all brought to you by @insideoutlet!

#10 What is it? First to guess right wins!
OHS - Thai Style: Occupational Health and What.....

My hubby @shai-hulud is also a great steemian worth a follow, check out some of his below:

Steemit Week 1: Who Are You
Don't get hooked by a Phishing scam. Actual steps you can take to protect yourself.
Steemit Day One #2: Why lock an Empty House
Welcome to Steemit. Day one: Get ready for the learning curve.

Shai & I.jpg

What to know more about @shai-hulud and I Check out these posts:

Butt naked with 2500 other cruise line passengers! Featured in @qurator & @asapers
Love isn’t always shit free. Featured in @thesteemengine and #themagnificentseven
How I got flipped Inside Out... For REAL! Featured in @thesteemengine
Our Adoption Adventure Written by @shai-hulud, my amazeballs hubby

Did YOU know that your upvote needs time to recharge? If not check out this post below, if you like it please consider upvoting a more recent post as this one has now paid out.

Steem & Voting Power, how not to waste it!

If you like any posts above and they are past seven days please consider upvoting a more recent post as these while very useful have already paid out.

Where else can you find me?

While most of my time is spent on Steemit, I do exist outside of it, happy to connect if you do too!

Health Blog - InsideOut Ostomy Life
Facebook - InsideOut Ostomy Life
Instagram - InsideOut Ostomy
Twitter - InsideOut Ostomy


One last thing! I am a founder of the @asapers and we have a profit-sharing curation post called Read me A.S.A.P. We curate from our followers so make sure you follow the @asapers if you want to be in with a chance to be curated next.


Team Australia Banner - @insideoutlet.png

Steemit Bloggers

Upvote follow resteem.png

Team Australia Banner @bearone, @asapers by @shai-hulud, @steemitbloggers by @zord189
All images my own or directly sourced at the image.

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