Everytime I convert my SD (STEEM Dollars) into SP (Steem Power), I feel better about it.

I get guilt pangs when I sell STEEM. If you don't feel emotion when you're transacting, you may be doing something wrong without realizing it.

Look at this poor dog. He has treats in his mouth, but he doesn't know if he should eat them or not.

What you could also see, the dog has "too many" treats in his mouth. The smart thing would be to eat one, and hide the rest for later.

As steem contributors, we need to be smarter than a dog.

Let's not eat all our treats at once.

Now I know by design, the system will pay you in BOTH SD (Steem Dollars) as well as SP (Steem Power)

This is what a lot of people are INCORRECTLY doing:

SD - Steem Dollars: Something you should sell and cash out as fast as you can. Wrong!!

SP - Steem Power: Something you power down and get rid of quickly. Wrong!!

This is what we should do instead:

SD - Steem Dollars: Something you take a portion of, if you need a bit of money today. The rest should be used to buy more STEEM so you can power up, and convert it into Steem Power

SP - Steem Power: Something that continues to grow. This could be part of your retirement plan. It also helps you upvote your own posts, and posts of others. Use your "power" wisely, and accumulate as much as you can.

People keep complaining that their stories and posts are undervalued.

What they don't realize, is that everytime you send Steem Dollars to an exchange, and sell it, you're undervaluing the steemit system as a whole "IF" you sell more than you actually absolutely need.

Don't do that to yourself. Don't do it to Steem.

You aren't losing any money when you convert your SD / Steem Dollars in to SP / Steem Power

It's the opposite!

You are gaining money  by accumulating steem power.. For these reasons:

  1. Steem Power is a vested balance. It accumulates more, just by being there.
  2. Steem Power is basically unsold steem that is not available on the market and keeps the price up!
  3. Steem Power is showing that you "believe" in the system
  4. Steem Power is like a savings account, so you don't spend all your money all at once
  5. Steem Power is going to be harder to get as more people join steem. Get it while you can!

Don't be the dog and pig out on your Steem Dollars or your Steem Power balance save it.

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