How To Find Your Niche to Build Your Audience // Minnow University // Help for Minnows and New Users

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How To Find Your Niche to Build Your Audience

It’s important to find a niche when blogging.
This may be easier for some people than it is for others.
For instance, those that are already blogging, writers, musicians, photographers, crypto and financial analysts, technology experts, travel and food bloggers etc.
These people already have their niche and will generally have an easier time gaining an audience.
But that doesn't mean it is impossible for others!

I received a message the other day from a Steemian asking me to take a look at his blog and looking for advice as to how to get more attention on his posts.

I looked at his 7 most recent posts and sent him this message:

"Hey! You had 67 views, 108 votes, and $4.38 on your most recent post. You've only been here since August and your rep is 56. All things considered you are doing quite well!!! I gave that post some upvotes. Your posts about life and your travels do quite well so stick with those. Color challenges and meme challenges are hit and miss for minnows and new users so don't feel bad about that. Your niche seems to be your life outlook, your adventures, your travels, life advice, etc. So stick with that and maybe 1 or 2 other topics of interest to build an audience."

I often receive messages from people saying that they are having a hard time figuring out their place on Steemit and what to write about.
If you are feeling lost about what to write about then there are 3 things to consider which will help you.

3 Ways to Find Your Niche

  1. What are you good at?
  2. How can you help people on Steemit?
  3. What do you enjoy?

What do you do for a living?

Are you a nurse, doctor, teacher, retail sales associate, lawyer, mechanic?
Write about your experiences.
What do you love/hate about your job?
Write some tutorials to educate people.
Write about funny experiences that happened at your job.

How can you help people on Steemit?

Weekly contests, tutorials, curation efforts, community building, posts promoting other steemians, etc.
These are all ways that you can help.
I'll talk more specifically about these ideas in another post.

What do you enjoy?

Do you love animals, music, art, philosophy, psychology, gardening, cooking, reading, movies, sewing, religion, spirituality, esoteric subjects, comedy, politics, conspiracies, the environment?
Read and study about what you enjoy then write about it.
You can become knowledgable in anything you want to write about simply by reading, studying, then writing about it in your own words.

Write from your perspective using your own words

This is extremely important. I saw a post the other day where someone was recommending “ripping other writers off”


We are not here to steal other people’s work.
We may not be able to invent the wheel regarding subjects that we are studying, but the goal is to write about what you have learned from your own perspective IN YOUR OWN WORDS.

I know this seems obvious to most of you, but unfortunately Steemit is filled with users who are plagiarizing and creating low quality posts by stealing other people’s work.

I’ll be talking about the difference between low quality posts and high quality posts in my next post.

A great Discord to check out as far as finding people with similar interests as yours is Looking for Niche. You can read about what they are all about Here and join their Discord Here

Be sure to check out Minnow University Radio tonight on MSP-Waves. @swelker101 and @kubbyelizabeth will be offering helpful tips for new users and answering questions.

7PM EST / 12AM UTC at the MSP-Waves PALnet Discord

Minnow University is brought to you by witness @swelker101 with support from @isaria and @kubbyelizabeth to help new Steemit users understand the concepts and basics of Steemit and other STEEM blockchain platforms. We have working relationships with MSP at PALnet and The Writer's Block to help educate minnows on how to grow their accounts without resorting to spam or practices that may stunt their ability to flourish on the platform. Please join us at the Minnow University Discord.

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