I am seriously overcoming the addiction stage of Steemit, in the best way possible. I am realizing not only the financial potential of Steemit, but also the long term potential “Freedom” factor.

What do I mean by that?
Well, quite simply it offers to us users of “Social networks” the ability to be free with what we have to say and likewise offers the ability to be free from the fiat currencies that we are exclusively dependent on. It really is as simple as that!

Recently in a comment I mentioned how I sincerely believe in the potential of Minnows becoming Dolphins and then one day becoming Whales.
Might sound a little romantic to some, might sound like a “blah blah” story to others, but my logic is simple:
Among the many Minnows out there today there are many people who shall gradually become Dolphins and many who shall become Whales. Looking at it from a perspective that we are still at a very early stage of this entire project it could be safe to say that most of us here shall work our way up the ranks of this society much earlier than those who are waiting to see what happens with Steemit. We are not gamblers, WE BELIEVE. Those among us who truly BELIEVE shall make it here. That is as simple as it gets!

So by using techniques learned elsewhere and applying those techniques here I can become a part of a society in which there are many of us who have worked our way up to becoming Whales. By investing into the entire process of being a part of a group of people among which there shall be many Whales and many more Dolphins who are well on their way to becoming Whales I am in fact investing into the future of Steemit. I am ensuring that I have a community of people in which we have stuck it out through all the stages and processes and worked our way up to the top.

No Rocky Balboas out there, that was a movie, one in a million gets to become a Whale because he or she is a favourite of somebody, that just doesn’t happen for the majority of us.

So when ever I am looking over a fellow Steemians page I am actually looking at myself, I am looking at a person that shall one day be part of a team of people who made their dreams of “Freedom” come to life.

So when I spend weeks trying to make a potential project here on Steemit come to life and be something that everyone can use and not just me, I am doing this not just for me but for all of us who are here for the long run.

I see a future for my family here and they are people that keep me going, my fellow Steemians are the people that ensure me every hour of the day that I am on the right track and that we are all here to make Steemit.com happen!

Steem on people!

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