The Future Of Steemit = The Customer Gets What The Customer Wants!

Steemit is BOOMING!

There isn't a week, no let me correct myself here, a day that goes past that we don't see new users, new posts from new users, statistics showing how this platform is growing faster and faster every day.


This means that we have "x" thousands of new minnows out there, who shall as time goes past become Dolphins and this is where the future lays here on Steemit, as with any successful society out there. The middle class becomes the driving force of the economy.


So, as all this is happening I bet that there are things that we could consider as far as the future of Steemit is concerned.

What I wish to address here is the following:

Shall we remain a simplistic "Blogging website" which is somewhat of a 'social network' with a crypto rewards system in place.


Shall we become a flexible and full on multipurpose Social Networking platform with Blogging as one of the options that we have to offer?

Every project out there has its basic scope outlined and only when that is fulfilled it can be launched in BETA mode. Steemit has been online for over a year now and is rock and rolling really hard! So much so that it has shaken up and ultimately put fear into the hearts of many who thought that they had cornered the social networking market for good. Ohhh yeah, we've all read and heard about the fact that Facebook is contemplating crypto as an option. It definitely is no coincidence that this is happening now when Steemit is BOOMING in numbers!


What that means is that we are on the right track and no matter what anyone does we are here and here to stay.

Or are we?

Blogging is such a limited market out there. For every one blogger out there there are who knows exactly how many people who are not bloggers.

The current platform with its options has so much to offer without actually changing the core, the "basic scope" as I called it earlier. This has been proven over and over again with all the new additions being added to Steemit, everything from Busy, to Utopian.

Now we have the new Smart Media Tokens (SMT) coming soon!


Not only are we kicking some serious b..... each balls around in the blogging aspect of social media, we are also getting into an arena that shall rock this world. The more I compared the SMTs to the ERC20 Tokens that are probably the only comparable offer out on the market, the more SMTs just out do anything that the ERC20 Tokens have had to offer to date. We are seriously getting into a stage where Steemit is going to one of the fastest growing Crypto and Social Networks.


So what can be done NOW, without changing anything in particular and at the same time adapting to the upcoming BOOM that is already beginning to get momentum?

This brings me back to the question I posed a moment ago and the answer is rather obvious. Steemit shall become a Social Network of People and Blogging may be the core, the foundation to the entire system, but at the same time Steemit shall have to include the simple little options that the social networking market requires from it.

We're not talking about anything BIG, yet it is HUMONGOUS!

A social group is a collection of people/individuals who interact with each other and share similar characteristics and a sense of unity.

With a society as large as Steemit today we already see groups forming, which means that we already have the communal social networking aspects of Steemit in place.

As the numbers grow, so too shall the number of social groups grow too. This is normal and it has all been seen on other social networks that have been in existence for numerous years now.

So, me being me and thinking of a practical approach, what I did was go to some of the other social networks to see what they have and what we do or do not have to comply with the needs of the people using the platform.

I'm not talking about a "copy cat" type of approach, what I am talking about here is literally taking into consideration the needs and wants of the various networks out there and to compare them with what EVERYONE has and USES on all the platforms out there.

I found something that is as obvious as it can get, they all allow for people to have the ability to look at who is who with a click of a finger.


Simple as that.

Believe it or not, all the reputable and well known of social networks out there have accounted for the fact that we as people like to know about the people we are dealing with. They have made this possible with a click of finger to all the people on the network.

Now, some may say that this doesn't mean much, but ask yourself, do you prefer to know a bit about a person/user prior to interacting with them?

Let me put it this way, Would you feel more comfortable interacting with someone if you were able to know a bit about them prior to interacting with them?

Wouldn't you like to see how they present themselves without having to scroll through pages and pages of links and posts?

I believe that it is more than safe to say that for the majority of us the answer would be YES.

So if ALL the reputable and successful social network sites out there have this, it is safe to say that we too shall have to accommodate to the needs and wants of the market that we have tapped into!


Now, I have slapped together a graphical version of what I am talking about:

Steemit profile page proposal.png

What did you notice in the Menu bar!


You can ignore the Photos and Videos for now, I included those to awaken your imaginations as to what all can be!

What I wish to concentrate on is the PROFILE option.

So with one click on this MENU BUTTON opens up a page in the existing template that we have, a page in which is everything that the user has written and made available to share with the public about themselves as an individual!

Talk about taking over the LikedIn market with one hit and making Steemit comparable to any other social network out there as far as user friendliness goes.

Talk about making Steemit a platform to go to when wanting to find out information about a user who wants to be seen on the internet!

Alexa, Google and what ever other relevant services out there shall see Steemit jump to the top of all the rankings in record time!!!!!!

Business people, Artists, Actors, Potential Employees, Employers, Writers and countless other people who want to be found on the internet shall be found on Steemit!




If I haven't enticed you with this idea, this proposal then I haven't accomplished my task here, yet I do believe that after you sleep over it, that you too shall see the potential that this one little addition to our existing Menu can do for this platform and all of us, right there where you see it in the makeshift snapshot I included in this post!

Thanks for reading this post and I sure hope that you too can see or shall see the potential of this little addition to our menus on Steemit!

Yours truly


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