The Sky May or May Not Be Our Limit On Steemit!

Most working class people spend their time trying to get to an employment position that they want. For those who are at the beginning of their career that leap seems like it’s almost impossible or at least decades away! Realistically speaking the top jobs require top knowledge!

The traditionalists state that we all have to stick with it, work our way up the ladder, do the best that you can and even better at times, show the bosses that you are worth the attention and hopefully someone shall notice you one day.
Not a bad plan, proven to work for those who are lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time to be noticed by the big cahoona.

What happens when the big boys and girls do not notice you?

No matter how hard you try and work and do all the stuff that no body else would do all in the hope that you shall be appreciated.

Two three decades of nerve wrecking and often very frustrating not to say degrading experiences all gone down the drain! Especially if you are ambitious then every day seems like a year!
Is there a bona fide method of making the leap, of flying through the stages and steps, overcoming, improvising and adapting to and through all the obstacles?


Only a few people succeed in jumping steps and getting to the top. No matter what their success story may entail it often includes something that most do not have and most surely includes a point where they “were at the right place at the right time”. Otherwise it would never have happened.

Why am I writing about this topic?

Well compare it to what we are doing here in Steemit.

Many people out there are so dearly trying to get the attention of our Whales here that they are forgetting the real principle of work ethics. I mean how many people out there think that they shall be that lucky person to get our Whales supporting them just because they are doing a nice show and tell story time thingamabob for them!

The reality is that Steemit no matter how great and fantastic it is with all its potential shall become the mega social site once the minnows of today become Whales. Going through all the steps and stages, working hard, supporting each other and making sure that they are concentrating on:

A)- Their posting and commenting
B)- Their constructive and proactive approach to making Steemit better.

No matter how good something may be, there is always room for expansion, room for making things better.

Minnows and Dolphins of today need to be the driving force here, sure Whale votes are more than fantastic, like a cherry on top when and if they happen, but if we all spent less time trying to gain the attention of our Whales and invested more time into constructive and proactive thought processes, ideas, projects and expanding our horizons here on Steemit, we would be miles ahead from where we are today.

There is no reason why a Minnow or a Dolphin shouldn’t try a pilot project, there is no reason why a Minnow or a Dolphin shouldn’t post a “think tank” about an idea that they are dwelling on.

In most cases the topics are just remakes of something tried somewhere else, like for example “pyramid, multi level marketing or referral programs”. All of which have failed on over 99% of other sites out there. However some ideas have proven to be very rewarding, whereby social sites have become a lot more than just a “let’s get together and complain about how unfair life is”. It is these types of ideas no matter how original or not they may be that shall make Steemit the social site that has overcome all the obstacles and leaped over all the hurdles.

Well smart people learn from other peoples mistakes, the others learn the hard way.

So after reading these thoughts that I am pondering on and have shared with you here on Steemit, think about it as an individual. Forget about some of the things that conventional corporate training and preset “Borg” like programming of workers has imposed upon us. Think out of the box and the sky may or may not be our limit!

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