5 things we usually do wrong in Steemit (and how to avoid them).

Well I wanted to share this information whose real author is @efrageek if they want can visit your blog.

Lately I have seen a massive arrival of new Spanish-speaking users to the platform, which is great, but along with this, there are also some problems that endanger the healthy growth of our community; It is for this very reason that I have decided to write on this subject, which will sound trite for those who have been here for a long time, but it will be very enriching for those who are just joining.

1. Complaints, pity and problems.

It has become commonplace to see some new users coming to the sadness of life in order to amass some votes, and that's fine, I know that in many parts of the world things are not going well, in my country everything goes like shit , But does that really matter to people?
Let's face it, although in steem there is a community of solidarity and cooperative, in the end everyone is in their own problems, and when they enter their favorite social networks, you may not want to see how fucked up the world to add more weight to their Lives.

Something I have learned in my life is that it is only allowed to talk about problems when you are proposing a solution, so if it is not so, it is better to look for some other interesting topic of your life to talk about.

Solution: First of all, try not to be that kind of person who always lives focused on the bad. If you can not find at least something positive to talk about, something is wrong in your mind. The exception for me, is that you are able to show all your disappointment in the world in a creative way, so; Poets, essayists, artists. You are free to drop all the poop you want :).

2. "Follow me and I follow you".

¡¡¡Just follow me ... It's all I ask.!!!

Ok, let's look for the logic of this. Follow me and I follow you. Suppose that yes, we all agree to that and we begin to follow each other. At first it may seem excellent, we will see increase our number of followers at a dizzying pace.

But then what?
What will happen when you are following more than two hundred people ?.
Will you be able to read them and vote them all ?.

Contrary to this, you will begin to lose sight of the articles that may interest you and which will stop you from voting for quality content and that you really care.

On the other hand, you will have 1500 followers of which only read 50 and you vote 10. Will not that seem sad?

Write what you want, there will always be someone who identifies with you </ center>

There is a difference between the number that appears as "followers" and the amount that is actually hooked to your content because it is identified with it.

Our community continues to grow, there is more and more competition but more audiences. Dare to write about what you really want, there will always be someone who will identify with you and want to read you.

Solution: I always try to focus on the number of "views" to my articles and the number of comments, because they really tell me that I am not alone in this "steemitmundo", they are the ones that They tell me that I'm really connecting with someone out there. Strive to connect and create your audience, the money will come running behind them.

3. Hungry for UpVotes.

Another of the things that usually happen when we get new to this platform is that we want to quickly win votes, because votes = money, this will lead us to become "Vote Zombies".

Seriously, I can assure you that asking for votes will not make them flood with thousands of them. Votes are so valuable to users that we use them only for the content we like, to support new authors (like me) or to help grow projects with which we feel identified.

Los votos nos conectan con los creadores de contenido

Although small user votes - like mine - are not worth much money as they are, if they have an emotional charge (something I explained in the previous point). What I mean is, when you vote for someone, you're sending the message that you really identified or enjoyed your article and that you want more of that.

With one vote, you motivate your favorite writers to keep writing quality content.

Solution: The best way to get votes is to first do what I told you in the previous point (Follow me and I follow you). It is also important that you try to improve your writing skills. Nothing more delicious in sight than reading a well-written article, without misspellings, consistent and also with a format that does not "bore." It is also important that you talk about topics that you really enjoy writing. People will know when you are forcing something.

Just be yourself, and the votes will begin to appear.

4. We want easy money, but that does not exist.

Even in Steemit there is no easy money, in fact, all the times in my life when I have found something that offers me being a millionaire in 1 month, it has ended up being a scam.

Nor is it a lie, that becoming an acclaimed and well paid author in Steemit needs dedication and effort. Most of those who get paid hundreds of dollars on the platform have spent more than 1 year here to publish, some almost daily.

The world will always work - and it should work like that - based on work, and if it's smart work, much better. There is only one way to be a fast millionaire: stealing.

You come for the money, you stay for the community.

In addition, most of the people who came here for money, we ended up meeting many people with such incredible human quality, that although our articles do not collect much, we will always return for that sense of community so pleasant that there are these states.

Come for the money, but stay for the community;).

Solution: Forget about the money. At first it will be difficult to raise a considerable amount of dollars for your articles. I recommend you start by making interesting comments on other people's articles, this will help you to win followers, create community and also let people vote for your comments. It's the best way to start doing a few STEEM. Needless to say, the consistency and consistency in publishing is necessary, as well as trying to improve the quality of the articles on a daily basis.

5. Being rude is incompatible with this community.

Something that makes my blood boil is that, inevitably, a relentless army of trolls always comes to all the communities on the internet that only distort the human race.

The only explanation I find for the people who arrive with a haughty and pedantic attitude is that they come from seeing the previous dawn the 8 seasons of Dr. House and the other day believe that the key to success is to have a walking stick and behave like an idiot.

The most important value of Steemit is community.

Please no. It does not work like this. The vast majority of people I have met, who have achieved something important here, are very kind, respectful, disinterested and educated, do not do yourself harm by trying to make you "interesting" with that way of acting.

Solution: It may be you, you can be eccentric and half crazy, but always keep the decency and kindness ahead, believe me it will help you grow like foam not only in steemit, but in all areas of Your personal, work and academic life.
P.D .: This article is not intended to offend anyone, rather it seeks to help the hundreds of Spanish-speaking users who are arriving, to settle in a good way and to avoid making mistakes that could sink.

Well I hope you can use this information whose real author is @efrageek if they want can visit their blog.


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