From Fear...To Freedom: Demystifying the Ultimate End of All Evil

For millenniums, people have struggled to achieve peace within themselves. Still to this very day, individuals from all over the world are having a very difficult time achieving peace within themselves which typically leaves them dazed and confused in a trance. No one can reckon the amount of pain and suffering that is so omnipresent in this world. When one begins to discover this harsh reality, he/she can be left speechless, fearful, angered, and hopeless. But what is perpetrating all this evil chaos that we see so prevalent in the world still to this very day? After all, with the overwhelming amount of people having best intentions, wouldn't planet Earth be paradise right now with the best freedom we could possibly dream of? Are we just not good enough? Do we as human beings need to be tamed & trained to be civilized? Are we just not smart enough? Is it willful ignorance?
To be as succinct as possible, the underlying causal factors for all of the symptoms of evil which is so ubiquitous still to this day as ironic as it may be is abandonment issues plus exploitation of abandonment issues (even though the exploiters also have abandonment issues). And here is the formula: GOOD INTENTIONS + "AUTHORITY" = TYRANNY.

When I say abandonment issues, I specifically mean needs that have not been met with proper care and fulfillment. And some of the vital needs that everyone (especially children) must have is love and the teaching of principles. And most parents still today don't teach their children real valuable principles because when those parents used to be kids, they were never taught valuable principles themselves (maybe except for an iota).

Instead, they were taught explicitly and implicitly to always have respect for "authority." That obedience to "authority" is a virtue and doing anything without the approval of any kind of "authority figure" (whether that'd be "god" or the "god" called "government") is criminal behavior and evil. Amazing anarchist author and video producer Larken Rose explains in his book "The Most Dangerous Superstition" why this is the case:

"From early childhood we are taught to submit to the will of "authority," to obey the edicts of those who, in one way or another, have acquired positions of power and control. From the beginning, the goodness of a child is graded, whether explicitly or implicitly, first by how well he obeys his parents, then by how well he obeys his teachers, and then by how well he obeys the "laws" of "government." Whether implied or stated, society is saturated with the message that obedience is a virtue, and that the good people are the ones who do what "authority" tells them to do. As a result of that message, the concepts of morality and obedience have become so muddled in most people's minds that any attack on the notion of "authority" will, to most people, feel like an attack on morality itself. Any suggestion that "government" is inherently illegitimate will sound like suggesting that everyone should behave as uncaring, vicious animals, living life by the code of survival of the fittest.
The trouble is that the average person's belief system rests upon a hodgepodge of vague, often contradictory, concepts and assumptions. Terms such as morality and crime, law and legislation, leaders and citizens, are often used by people who have never rationally examined such concepts."

Now how many kazilion times can we all relate to talking about true freedom and the inherent illegitimacy of "government" and be immediately interrupted by someone who spurts out loud "But that's anarchy!!!" As if that's a bad thing (just like countless people have been led to believe as well as myself until the age of 20) like going to hell.

But what they don't realize (just like I didn't in the past) is that they didn't use logic and reason to get to this conclusion. It was endless repetition of words coming from everyone they knew or know (family , friends, loved ones, teachers, bosses, coworkers, priests, etc.). As Adolf Hitler once said "Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it." And as the Nazi Minister of Public Enlightenment (Propaganda) Paul Joseph Goebbels once said "The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed." What they're saying is if you can tell a simple lie to the point where the lie starts to emanate and then it becomes immense, and encompassing in most places, the chances of it being believed are very high (contrary to what you would usually think).

So before the lie lingers any longer than it needs to, lets break the word anarchy down etymologically. It comes from the Greek prefix an- which means "without; the absence of" and the Greek noun archon which means "master; ruler." The part where most people get confused is by thinking archon means rules. It doesn't because in reality, all it means and has ever meant is master or ruler. For example, a slave owner. Now if we put those two together and are honest with ourselves, by default the word anarchy means freedom. In reality there's always going to be rules. Even if we recognize and live accordingly by those rules or not, they're always going to be there. That's why it is our job to live accordingly as much as possible with these rules.

Now the typical question that gets asked a lot when you explain this is "Are you saying there's no such thing as free will?" Not at all. There unequivocally is free will, but with consequences for your actions. And that's nature's gift to humanity. That we can literally do anything we want just as long as our actions don't cause harm to others. Simple don't start it (initiate violence).
So now since we've filtered the obfuscation of the true meaning of the word anarchy, let's break the word "government" down etymologically. It is derived from the Latin word gubernare which means "to control" and the Latin noun mente which means "mind." When we put these two together (and once again are honest with ourselves), by default the definition of "government" is mind control. In reality, there is no such thing as "government" because it is just people who are hallucinated to be "authority." And you can't delegate rights you don't have or if we stop euphemizing it, you can't delegate wrongs. Why? Because you don't possess them. In order to delegate something, you have to have it first before you can give it to someone else. Larken Rose does a fantastic job explaining this reality on page ten of his book "The Most Dangerous Superstition:"

"In short, government does not exist. It never has and it never will. The politicians are the real, the soldiers and police who enforce the politicians' will are real, the buildings they inhabit are real, the weapons they wield are very real, but their supposed "authority" is not. And without that "authority," without the right to do what they do, they are nothing but a gang of thugs. The term "government" implies legitimacy ― it means the exercise of "authority" over a certain people or place. The way people speak of those in power, calling their commands "laws," referring to disobedience to them as a "crime," and so on, implies the right of "government" to rule, and a corresponding obligation on the part of its subjects to obey. Without the right to rule ("authority"), there is no reason to call the entity "government," and all of the politicians and their mercenaries become utterly indistinguishable from a giant organized crime syndicate, their "laws" no more valid than the threats of muggers and carjackers. And that, in reality, is what every "government" is: an illegitimate gang of thugs, thieves and murderers, masquerading as a rightful ruling body.

(The reason the terms "government" and "authority" appear inside quotation marks throughout this book is because there is never a legitimate right to rule, so government and authority never actually exist. In this book such terms refer only to the people and gangs erroneously imagined to have the right to rule.)
So if we are honest with ourselves again, the belief in "government" is nothing more than another false dogmatic religion. It is not like a religion. IT IS A RELIGION. And this false dogmatic religion which is antithetical to all logic and reason is also known as Statism. It is the nefarious notion that we give a small group of people the "right" to kidnap, imprison, harass, steal from, and kill people, so that we can be protected from people who kidnap, harass, steal, and kill people. It is the assumption that morality derives from duress.

So lets define what an act of evil is right now. As the author Jeremy Locke wrote very brilliantly in his book "The End Of All Evil:"

"The Definition of evil is the destruction of freedom. Everything that is evil teaches people that they have limited value." He then emphasizes "Everywhere you look, you will find the obfuscation of evil. There are countless ideas which are taught about the nature of evil. Every false idea is created by evil to hide the truth from you.
Evil is not darkness and it is not a frightening unknown. Evil is not some mystical psychology of man, nor is it inherent in our natures. It is not supernatural, and it most definitely exists.
As with all principles, the principle of evil is simple. Evil is the destruction of freedom."
So there you have it. An act of evil is an act of enslavement.

Now before we move on and explain why most people are so urgent to abdicate their personal responsibility, lets simply define what a right and a wrong is. Thanks to the belief in "authority," most people will tell you that a right is a grant, but they are terribly mistaken. A right is simply an action which does not cause harm to another sentient being. Rights are always inherent or unalienable. Most people will also tell you that a wrong is an action that breaks the "law." And they are terribly mistaken once again (because of authoritarian indoctrination). A wrong is simply an action which causes harm to another sentient being and therefore by default which no one ever possesses. And remember, those who call themselves "government" violate countless people's (and even animals!!!) rights on a daily basis (via victimless crime laws, compulsory schooling, and forced labor such as taxation).

Now since we've filtered most of the bullshit that is warping most people's perception of reality, lets take a good look at why most people fear freedom. Have you ever noticed that even those who can articulate every precise bit of detail of the paradigm of slavery plaguing this world very eloquently will often at the end of their discussion say things like or across the lines of "Well there's nothing we can do about it......Well that's just how life is...... You're wasting your time trying to change the world......Do you really believe that we'll ever be living in true freedom?"
Larken Rose once again sums this up beautifully in the chapter "Fear Of Freedom" of his book:

"Most people live their lives surrounded by authoritarian hierarchies, from families, to schools, to businesses, to all levels of "government." As a result, most people have a hard time even beginning to imagine a "leaderless" civilization, a society of equals, an existence devoid of rulers, a world without "legislators" and their "laws." The very thought, in most people's minds, conjures up images of chaos and mayhem.

People are more comfortable with whatever they are accustomed to, and fear the unknown. People are so attached to whatever is familiar to them that even those who live in very high crime areas or war zones rarely leave the world they know to search for something better. Similarly, it is a well-documented fact that that some long-term prisoners develop a fear of being released, and when they are, commit further crimes with the intention of being sent back to prison. Even slaves can exhibit a dread of being freed. This is because the life of a prisoner or a slave, though not likely fulfilling, is predictable, and imagining a new, drastically changed life, in a strange place, among strangers, with all of the related uncertainties ― How will I eat? Where will I live? What will it be like? Will I be safe? ― scares almost everyone. So it is when mot people contemplate human society without a ruling class. The concept is so foreign to everything they have ever known and ever thought about, and everything they were taught is necessary and good, that they hardly know how to begin to imagine it. Even our very language illustrates our fear of living in society as free equals, because such a state is defined as "anarchy" ― a term also used to describe chaos and destruction. We have grown so accustomed to the mental cage which the myth of "authority" has formed around each of us that most of us are terrified of the idea of life without that cage. We are literally afraid of our own freedom.
..........It seems strange that any thinking human being would not be naturally open and receptive to the idea that he owns himself and should be in charge of his own life, unhindered by any human "authority." However, the average person who hears such a message often lashes out at the messenger, insists that actual freedom, a world without masters and subjects, would mean chaos and destruction, and then vehemently advocates the continued enslavement of all of mankind, including himself. He does so not based upon any rational thought or any evidence or experience, but based upon his own deep-seated, existential terror of the unknown ― the unknown in this case being a society of equals instead of masters and subjects. He has never seen it in action on a large scale and has never thought about it, cannot imagine it, and therefore fears it. And those who desire dominion over others are constantly reinforcing and encouraging that fear in those they seek to subjugate."

This is extremely akin to Plato's story "Allegory Of The Cave." Author, Journalist, and now one of the organizers for the Free Your Mind Conference in Philadelphia John G. Vibes in his book "Alchemy Of the Timeless Renaissance" explains the story crystal clear:

"For those of you who are not familiar with the Allegory of the Cave, I'll take a minute to summarize this wonderful parable. The story describes a group of people who have been held prisoner in a cave for their entire lives. In the cave, the prisoners are chained to the floor in such a way that they can only face a blank wall and cannot move or look in any other direction. All day they are forced to watch shadow figures that are projected onto a wall by puppets parading in front of a fire, which is positioned at the back of the cave. In simpler terms, this would be like modern day television or projector screen. The prisoners actually believe the shadows in front of them are the only thing that is real, as it is the only thing they have been exposed to for their entire lives. They have given the shadows names and have a whole system of beliefs built around them. The philosopher is represented by the person who is freed from his chains and escapes the cave to see the outside world for what it is. When the philosopher returns and attempts to explain the outside world to his cellmates, he is met with disbelief and hostility. Even if the philosopher were to unchain another prisoner and show him the outside world, it would be too difficult to describe and so far outside of their frame of reality that they would still insist on remaining in the comforts of their familiar cave. The released prisoners would be hurt and confused by their new discovery and may even become angry with the with the philosopher for showing him the outside world.
..............The Allegory of the Cave shows us that our thoughts and beliefs can be shaped and molded according to someone else's will, if that person (or group of people) has the ability to control all of the information we receive from a very young age. Furthermore, it shows us that when the prisoners are conditioned enough to a specific way of life and specific frame of reality, then they themselves will act as a guard or warden for themselves, and any fellow prisoners who might dare to question the status quo."

Just incase you didn't recognize the symptoms of the disease being described, it's called Stockholm Syndrome. Clinical Psychologist Dr. Joseph M. Carver, Phd. in his article "Love and Stockholm Syndrome: The Mystery of Loving An Abuser" breaks down the characteristics of this illness as well as resolving it:

"On August 23rd, 1973 two machine-gun carrying criminals entered a bank in Stockholm, Sweden. Blasting their guns, one prison escapee named Jan-Erik Olsson announced to the terrified bank employees “The party has just begun!” The two bank robbers held four hostages, three women and one man, for the next 131 hours. The hostages were strapped with dynamite and held in a bank vault until finally rescued on August 28th.

After their rescue, the hostages exhibited a shocking attitude considering they were threatened, abused, and feared for their lives for over five days. In their media interviews, it was clear that they supported their captors and actually feared law enforcement personnel who came to their rescue. The hostages had begun to feel the captors were actually protecting them from the police. One woman later became engaged to one of the criminals and another developed a legal defense fund to aid in their criminal defense fees. Clearly, the hostages had “bonded” emotionally with their captors.

While the psychological condition in hostage situations became known as “Stockholm Syndrome” due to the publicity – the emotional “bonding” with captors was a familiar story in psychology. It had been recognized many years before and was found in studies of other hostage, prisoner, or abusive situations such as:

•Abused Children
•Battered/Abused Women
•Prisoners of War
•Cult Members
•Incest Victims
•Criminal Hostage Situations
•Concentration Camp Prisoners
•Controlling/Intimidating Relationships

In the final analysis, emotionally bonding with an abuser is actually a strategy for survival for victims of abuse and intimidation. The “Stockholm Syndrome” reaction in hostage and/or abuse situations is so well recognized at this time that police hostage negotiators no longer view it as unusual. In fact, it is often encouraged in crime situations as it improves the chances for survival of the hostages. On the down side, it also assures that the hostages experiencing “Stockholm Syndrome” will not be very cooperative during rescue or criminal prosecution. Local law enforcement personnel have long recognized this syndrome with battered women who fail to press charges, bail their battering husband/boyfriend out of jail, and even physically attack police officers when they arrive to rescue them from a violent assault.

.............It has been found that four situations or conditions are present that serve as a foundation for the development of Stockholm Syndrome. These four situations can be found in hostage, severe abuse, and abusive relationships:

•The presence of a perceived threat to one’s physical or psychological survival and the belief that the abuser would carry out the threat.
•The presence of a perceived small kindness from the abuser to the victim
•Isolation from perspectives other than those of the abuser
•The perceived inability to escape the situation

By considering each situation we can understand how Stockholm Syndrome develops in romantic relationships as well as criminal/hostage situations.

.........Leon Festinger first coined “Cognitive Dissonance”. He had observed a cult (1956) in which members gave up their homes, incomes, and jobs to work for the cult. This cult believed in messages from outer space that predicted the day the world would end by a flood. As cult members and firm believers, they believed they would be saved by flying saucers at the appointed time. As they gathered and waited to be taken by flying saucers at the specified time, the end-of-the-world came and went. No flood and no flying saucer! Rather than believing they were foolish after all that personal and emotional investment – they decided their beliefs had actually saved the world from the flood and they became firmer in their beliefs after the failure of the prophecy.

.........Stockholm Syndrome produces an unhealthy bond with the controller and abuser. It is the reason many victims continue to support an abuser after the relationship is over. It’s also the reason they continue to see “the good side” of an abusive individual and appear sympathetic to someone who has mentally and sometimes physically abused them.

Is There Something Else Involved?

In a short response – Yes! Throughout history, people have found themselves supporting and participating in life situations that range from abusive to bizarre. In talking to these active and willing participants in bad and bizarre situations, it is clear they have developed feelings and attitudes that support their participation. One way these feelings and thoughts are developed is known as “cognitive dissonance”. As you can tell, psychologists have large words and phrases for just about everything.

“Cognitive Dissonance” explains how and why people change their ideas and opinions to support situations that do not appear to be healthy, positive, or normal. In the theory, an individual seeks to reduce information or opinions that make him or her uncomfortable. When we have two sets of cognitions (knowledge, opinion, feelings, input from others, etc.) that are the opposite, the situation becomes emotionally uncomfortable. Even though we might find ourselves in a foolish or difficult situation – few want to admit that fact. Instead, we attempt to reduce the dissonance - the fact that our cognitions don’t match, agree, or make sense when combined. “Cognitive Dissonance” can be reduced by adding new cognitions – adding new thoughts and attitudes.

..........Importantly, both Stockholm Syndrome and cognitive dissonance develop on an involuntary basis. The victim does not purposely invent this attitude. Both develop as an attempt to exist and survive in a threatening and controlling environment and relationship. Despite what we might think, our loved one is not in the unhealthy relationship to irritate, embarrass, or drive us to drink. What might have began as a normal relationship has turned into a controlling and abusive situation. They are trying to survive. Their personality is developing the feelings and thoughts needed to survive the situation and lower their emotional and physical risks. All of us have developed attitudes and feelings that help us accept and survive situations. We have these attitudes/feelings about our jobs, our community, and other aspects of our life. As we have found throughout history, the more dysfunctional the situation, the more dysfunctional our adaptation and thoughts to survive. The victim is engaged in an attempt to survive and make a relationship work. Once they decide it doesn’t work and can’t be fixed, they will need our support as we patiently await their decision to return to a healthy and positive lifestyle."
He then concludes by emphasizing "The victim needs to know and feel they are not rejected because of their behavior. Keep in mind, they are painfully aware of their situation. They know they are being treated badly and/or controlled by their partner. Frequent reminders of this will only make them want less contact. We naturally avoid people who remind us of things or situations that are emotionally painful............ Remember, if we’re aggressive by threatening, withdrawing support, or pressuring – we become the threatening force, not the controller/abuser. It actually moves the victim into the support of the controller. Sadly, the more of an “ordeal” they experience, the more bonding takes place as noted in Stockholm Syndrome and cognitive dissonance."
Remember all those times trying to be there for your friends, family, loved ones, etc. showing and teaching them very important facts & principles about reality that they really need to hear. And the next thing you know, you're met with denial, willful ignorance, and straight out mockery. We can't physically force them against their will to hear and accept the truth. The best thing you really can do is be as understanding as much as possible while simultaneously planting seeds and being a good example for others. We have to accept the fact that we are not always immediately going to deprogram people from their years of authoritarian conditioning. The truth is we can't force people against their will to be free. We can only invite them to be free. And we also have to comprehend the that it is fear that will hurt us all.

If we react out of fear, that will only lead to more chaos. That is why it's so important that we are loving ad understanding as much as possible because you are being a good example for others which is very attractive.
Do you remember that scene in the movie "Good Will Hunting" when Will was explaining to his Psychologist Sean Maguire about the abuse he experienced in the past from his foster father beating him with a wrench? Right when he explained to his Psychologist that he broke up with his girlfriend and didn't want to talk about it, Sean was very understanding and preceded with love telling him to his face at least ten times "It's not your fault." As he was telling Will this, he clearly knew that he didn't know nor want to hear that. After the eighth time telling Will that, Will pushed him, but Sean didn't stop and get angry. He said it again and gave him the love that he deeply needed. It is not that Will just self-loathed hating himself, he was suffering from abandonment issues.

It really shouldn't come as any shock though as to why people would surrender their liberty willfully for "safety." The very thought of not having to be responsible for your actions while acquiring quote on quote "safety" is absolutely contagious because it doesn't require any effort except that you obey your master ("authority"). And quite ironically, that is exactly what the belief in "authority" does. It legitimizes exempting people from morality because every deed will be committed not based upon whether it was right or wrong, but based upon the arbitrary whims of those issuing commands which virtually is always evil.

But as Benjamin Franklin said it the best "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." And that's because liberty is your safety. But there's requirements for maintaining that safety in your daily life. The first step always for maintaining that safety is self-responsibility. And that is exactly what most people don't want to hear. They actually want to believe that they can live in a world where they get something for nothing. Well good luck with that.

As coauthors John G. Vibes and one of my best friends Derrick Broze emphasize in their second book of "The Conscious Resistance Trilogy" which they're almost done writing:

"When you accept the worldview of those who oppress you and act as if it were objective truth, you are disempowering yourself and giving your abuser the upper hand. This is what happens when we attempt to conform with standards that we know are unjust, and then proceed to emotionally attack ourselves when we inevitably fall short."

As the American logger Travis Walton once said "I've come to realize that the biggest problem anywhere in the world is that people's perceptions of reality are compulsively filtered through the screening mesh of what they want, and do not want, to be true."
Now since we've sifted through most of the deception and extrapolated the hard to swallow truth, it's finally time to dive head first into the stages that will lead to the ultimate end of all evil. The first stage is to simply realize that you have infinite value and that no one (including myself) can possibly ever Ever EVER take that away from you. Yes some might try and end up violating your value (the worst of which can result in death). But they can never steal it from you. As Adam Kokesh wrote in the last paragraph of the introduction of his book "FREEDOM!:"

"Freedom is the ability to exercise your will within your rights without the threat of force from anyone else. It's really that simple. You own yourself. No one can claim even partial ownership over you without violating your rights. By abolishing statism we will achieve a world free of miserable victims and miserable victimizers. We will create a world in which all relations are free of force and coercion. We will see each other as partners in the human experience, united in our desire to live free and realize our potential. We are destined to build a society based on respect an cooperation."

The second stage is to be happy. If you can not be happy, then you will never be free. Adam Kokesh once again explains this in his book crystal clear:

"If we don't know how to be happy, what's the point of being free? What good is it to live in a free, in a free country, or a free world, if we are so emotionally crippled that we are incapable of enjoying it? Why would we struggle to escape the oppression of police, parliaments, and presidents, if only to remain enslaved to fear and insecurity? Many of us would assume freedom should lead to happiness, but that does not correctly describe the relationship. The way most of us understand freedom and happiness is backwards. Happiness is not the result of freedom. Happiness causes freedom!"

The third stage is to create your own path by emancipating all forms of slavery. What good is it to be happy and know your infinite worth if all of your beautiful energy is to be used like a battery for a parasite machine? Nothing. This is the stage where walking the walk commences and the fun explodes. One of the biggest concerns (if not the biggest) with this stage is getting 100% off the control grid. At the 4th Free Your Mind Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania this past year in April, during the MeetingOfTheMindsPanel on the second day, one of the speakers Ken Rohla emphasized about how when we think we need to be on a grid, we're still thinking like slaves. He then went on to explain the ways we can utilize free energy with examples like Rodin coils, free energy generators, etc. which you can find on his Facebook page or timeline which he did talk about.
The fallacy that we need a master plan to protect us against evil is merely going to cause more evil by forcing everyone to live the same way, and destroying the human imagination. It's not that we don't need a plan, because we definitely unequivocally do. We just don't need a master plan. There is an infinite abundance of solutions when it comes to true liberty. With the power of our imagination, we've and still are able to co-create amazing things that satisfy our needs, and make like more fun, and a hell of a lot easier. Food, clothes, cars, phones buildings, homes, aircraft, etc. all derive from our imagination, and free will power. That's what caused these things to manifest in the first place. So with the power of our imagination and free will, we can all build our own unique grids utilizing free energy resources both individually and mutually or symbiotically. And a lot of cool ideas are already being tested and reaped like homesteading, earthships, freedom cells, tiny homes, cob houses, squatting, etc..

To wrap up the third stage, lets resolve the other major concern which is "What about the economy?" So lets talk about a philosophy that most people have never heard of. That being Agorism. The term Agorism was founded by one of the most outspoken and underrated critics of politics Samuel Edward Konkin III (with contributions from the science fiction writer J. Neil Schulman who was influenced by Ayn Rand's work "Atlas Shrugged") who wrote "The New Libertarian Manifesto" which was published in 1980 (interesting the same year Libertarian activist and writer Karl Hess wrote "Anarchy Without Hyphens"). The term Agorism comes from the Greek word agora which means "marketplace." And Samuel E. Konkin explains the goal of Agorism:

""The goal of agorism is the agora. The society of the open marketplace as near to untainted by theft, assault, and fraud as can be humanly attained is as close to a free society as can be achieved. And a free society is the only one in which each and every one of us can satisfy his or her subjective values without crushing others’ values by violence and coercion.”

What he's saying is that if we have a true free market with true principles, then we will truly be free with no one's rights being trampled on. Just because everyone opts out of the contrived monetary bondage system does not mean for a second that there won't be any more organization to provide for exchange of goods and services.
The true free market that Samuel E. Konkin envisioned described it as counter-economics to the current centralized economy. It would consist of grey markets, black markets, as well as barter & gift markets. Grey market activity can be as simple as paying someone to mow your lawn or cut your hair without any licenses, contracts, taxes, etc.. Black market activity contrary to what most people assume at first because of the negative connotation that implies that it's violent activity related to gangs, mafias, and criminals, is just simply activity that is deemed "illegal" by those who call themselves "government" or "authority" like selling contrabands (entheogens, drugs, weapons, etc.) and prostitution. Konkin actually described the violent aspect of the economy the red market (which is generated by "government"). And obviously, the barter & gift markets is economic activity between very specific individuals that only have what that person is looking for and vice versa.

All of our concerns when it comes to the economy can easily be resolved by simply understanding the Law Of Compensation. It derives from the Law Of Cause and Effect and is a dynamic law of the universe. The principle of the law of compensation is this: whatever value you produce and sell or trade will be rewarded with adequate value for your time and energy. It's as simple as doing 2+2=4. What you put in, is what you get out (Which also describes the Real Law Of Attraction). This doesn't mean that the very second you produce value it's going to be rewarded. You have to take the responsibility of sharing and giving with others who will reward you. The problem is people are used to the economic racket (contrived work force) that masquerades as a true free market causing them to become "employees," "wage workers," or if we stop euphemizing it, slave workers. In chapter 7 of Jeremy Locke's book "The End Of All Evil," he explains the economic culture that deceives and exploits people:

"Constructs such as employee, job, corporation and legal tender are rackets engineered by highly skilled extortionists to restrict behaviors and confiscate wealth. An employee is a person who performs work in trade for money. This is no different from a contractor, a non-employee or a garage sale. You perform work in exchange for someone else’s work. You create wealth to feed your family and to benefit your life. Employees, however, are constructs of governments to restrict economic behavior. What’s the difference between an employee and a person who only performs some work? If you gather together the thousands of pages of laws, you’ll get the idea of who benefits from the artificial ideas of employee and corporation. Governments play employees and corporations off
each other to divert anger over the loss of freedom from its proper target, the extortionist."

As Henry Ford once said "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." All economic control is slavery. But it's coming to an end. Jeremy Locke also explained this very well in his book:

"The lessons of evading extortion and control are, likewise, already learned. Global peer-to-peer networking ensures that no authority can switch off a server to dismantle economic activity. This dispersion of economic targets will make it impossible for governments to enforce taxation and control. Making peer-to-peer nodes anonymous using powerful encryption technology will make it extremely difficult for authority to bring excessive violence upon individuals to force examples of obedience. Steganography within established protocols such as HTTP will make disabling specific communications impossible without disabling all communication. Merging public auctions and marketplaces with anonymous, steganographic peer-to-peer networking will forever remove the control of economics from the hands of extortionist authorities. With technologies such as these, people can buy and sell anything without the interference of governments and mafias. Furthermore, governments will not be able to enforce taxation record keeping, since instead of a smaller number of corporations preferred by government, every one of the billions of people on earth will engage their economics directly. Population and technology crush evil."

And with the advent of digital decentralized cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, DASH, DAO, Steem (which is right here on Steemit!), etc., and apps like Cell411, Arcade City, Airbitz, etc. is making it a lot easier to opt out of the economic slavery. You can also buy precious metals more effectively using Roberts & Roberts Brokerage Incorporated.

The essence of the third stage is not only to create your own path, but to understand the nature of evil as much as possible because if we don't, we will fall victim to it again.
And last but certainly not least, the last stage which essentially is the etiquette of the first three stages is to share this knowledge with as many people as you possibly can. You might seem hesitant at first because the vast majority of people on this planet are still living a lie. But as Albert Einstein said "Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them."
In the second book of the Conscious Resistance trilogy in the 5th chapter "You Are Not Alone," the coauthors describe the struggle and the responsibility for achieving a paradigm shift:

"Despite the growing awakening, you may have experienced uncomfortable situations when you try to talk about your concerns in public. This creates a situation where no one feels comfortable sharing their opinions in public and none of us truly know how many rebels exist. In reality, there are a lot more rebels out there than most people think, but many go unnoticed because human beings want to fit in, and often we will avoid speaking about uncomfortable truths or ideas to avoid being ostracized.

This is why it is important for you t start making as much noise as possible. We must let the other rebels know they are not alone and encourage them to come out of hiding. Deep down we are all rebels, and the more people who step forward to admit it, the closer we will be to achieving freedom.

We are all born rebels - that is our natural state. It is only after a lifetime of being beaten down by an insane culture that we come to embrace insanity for the sake of convenience. Could it be possible that everyone out there is just pretending to go along with the status quo? It seems even those who wholeheartedly embrace it are still forced to use watered down language and euphemisms to describe the world around them because the cold hard truth is simply too much to bear.

........These likeminded people are already all around you and the more open that you are about your own beliefs, the more open minded people you will attract.

This doesn't mean that it's a good idea to get in everyone's faces about it and create awkward situations for yourself, but it would be a wise move to begin testing the waters with subtle hints about your new found beliefs and see if anyone picks up. Find out who may be receptive to your ideas and who refuses to listen. If someone is genuinely not interested do not force your views as this will only create tension in your personal life.

It is important to remember not to be resentful and hateful towards those who cannot or will not research the information that is hiding behind the curtain. Words like "sheeple" and "statist" quickly turn from descriptors of an ignorant person, to a way to dismiss anyone who may not agree with your opinion or theory. We have to learn to accept people where they are and help those we can. The goal is collective liberation through individual empowerment, so ultimately it is up to each individual to carve their own path to freedom. Sometimes all you can do is plant seeds.

........The truth is, we all have blind spots in our thinking and we have things to learn from other people. It is possible to have a friendly conversation with someone who sees the world completely different from you without sacrificing your beliefs, and without expecting them to sacrifice theirs.

.........Again we want to be clear that this does not mean that you should go around agreeing with what everyone says, or that you can't be firm in your convictions, but it is just as important to remember that we are in this fight to solve problems and reduce the level of accepted violence. We are not here to break each other down and further divide our world. We are here to teach, learn, and build a better world.

Engaging in debates with people who are deeply entrenched in their own worldview may have some importance and value, but you will be disappointed if you expect to to find likeminded people through this process. That's not to say you shouldn't associate or discuss philosophy with people who disagree with you, because you absolutely should; but the more often we interact and connect with our brothers and sisters of similar worldview and goals, the more we contribute to a paradigm shift of hearts and minds.

A paradigm shift is a process in which individuals gain new knowledge which completely alters and evolves their understanding of the world. We believe we are currently experiencing a paradigm shift that has been taking place for generations with increasing awareness in the last decades of the 20th century. By educating yourself about the hidden truths of the world and seeking solutions that empower each of us, you are contributing to this paradigm shift.

..........Together, we can educate each other and create solutions which put an end to systematic oppression, and allow the human spirit to flourish."

We have to deeply understand that most people out there are pretty intelligent to one degree or another and have great hearts. The problem is the overwhelmingly vast majority of them are being tricked to accept the small stupid lie implicitly or explicitly in one way or another which is the belief in "authority;" but the good news is people deep down inside whether they realize it or not want to be free. The problem may be inside their heads, but the solution is also inside their heads. And once they realize their infinite worth and potential, they're never going back.
The Achilles Heel of all evil is simply understanding it's illegitimacy. And without that legitimacy, it's finished.

Picture the world as a screen. And what we back from the screen is bad software. Arguing and screaming at the screen all day isn't going to make the bad software go away. Changing our minds and evolving from within where it all starts is what what will change the screen.
Evil's only chance is to dehumanize people to become evil. If no one including yourself has bad software or inner bullshit inside them, that is the ultimate end of all evil.

The ultimate battleground is inside of us. Brute force alone can't suffice. So a raising of our consciousness is the way out of this mess. When the heart, mind, and guts, is fused with expanded consciousness, no amount of evil and conflicts can stop us.
You are what you have been waiting for all along. You are the change you wish to see in this world.

Remember in last film of the The Matrix trilogy at the end when the architect of the matrix told the Oracle "Those who want out will be free." He was right. If we are going to get out of the matrix (the system of slavery), we have to deeply want to be free, and then take right action.
Don't ever forget my friend, You Are Beautiful, You Are Powerful, You Are Free. I'm going to say it again because you really need to hear these words. You Are Beautiful, You Are Powerful, You Are Free.

So go be the best fucking you you ever dreamed of being. Have a blast, love, laugh, cry tears of joy, and don't ever stop doing what you love. Because life really is so much fun :) As Yoda from Star Wars said "May the force be with you."

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