13 Days of THANK YOU to STEEMIT!

After almost a year of coaxing by my eldest brother to join Steemit - I DID!!! Can I get a WHOOP WHOOP please!!! lol!

The brother I am referring to is the eldest of three of my brothers and currently lives in London. He is HECTICALLY into his Crypto Currency and all things like minded. He also knows what an absolute social media JUNKIE his little sister is and how much of a passion I have for writing, engaging and sharing... hence his suggestion!

At times all the "crypto talk" amongst my brothers can get a little overwhelming - even though I do have an avid interest in it, do own bitcoin and experiment with all the "in's and outs" etc. - I also have other interests... creative ones....

I am a woman! what do you expect! lol

I am de-railing....

My point is -

13 DAYS AGO I JOINED STEEMIT! .... Wooohoooo!!!!

From day one I was blown away!!

Now let me just clarify this! - I explore and engage on EVERY single social media platform that is available to mankind! I am active and I post daily on all of them... ok that is a LIE! - I DID post on all of them, until I joined STEEMIT!

Now, I have family and friends messaging me privately to ask if everything is ok, because they "haven't seen me online lately" hahahahaha!!!!

Thirteen days, 369 posts (370 after this one) and 184 followers later I am here to declare myself OFFICIALLY as a STEEMIT JUNKIE!!! - PROUDLY SO!!!

What an amazing community!

fyi... my first ever post was: @jaynie/embracing-your-inner-peter-pan

I think what I love most is that there is virtually ZERO negativity! No slandering, no face slapping and back stabbing! People are positive, honestly engaging and upbeat! It is wonderfully refreshing!

To a degree, I am still finding my feet - in terms of my niche etc. (this might prove challenging... as I am a Gemini lol) but try I shall! But I have loads I want to share with all of you! I can only HOPE that you enjoy my feed and the facets of my world which I publish.

THANK YOU to all of you that have supported me thus far!

It is the beginning of an amazing road ahead, I know!! - YES! I just KNOW!

So... again - thank you for this Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious platform!!!!!


Much love to you all!!


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