Hello steemians


So like i promised in my "return from vacations" post, it is time to give back to steemit community by helping newbies and even pros on how to create engaging / trending posts on steemit.

I have prepared a few tips in this regard and if you follow these tips to the letter, there is no reason why you should not earn a healthy amount on steemit daily.


Choosing a catchy title is the crown of your post. For instance, i would not click on an article whose title sounds average. Grab your audience right here and you will be successful.


The world has moved on from reading or writing long sentences. People like to absorb information quickly and for that to happen, your sentences must be short and crisp.


Precision is the key to success of any blog. Like i said in the previous tip, today's fast paced world likes to absorb info quickly. If your article is lengthy and cluttered with irrelevant material, readers will lose interest in it.


Unless you are a known philosopher or your content demands it, there is no need for you to go "v for vendetta" on your post as far as vocabulary is concerned. This a global village and many people do not use English as their first language. So avoid using heavy words.


If you have written a good piece once and then you start dishing out bad content, you will lose your followers for sure (and ultimately your precious upvotes). Yes, a bad day on blog is excusable but your graph for pushing out good content must have an upward trajectory.


Formatting is the backbone of your article. If your article is not formatted properly, readers will lose interest in it. No matter how good your content is, it must always be supported by good formatting i.e. visual aids, correct font, correct font size and spacing.

Did you see how i used visual aids to write tips instead of writing them in plain text. Attractive.. isn't it?


You will soon realize that many people would be posting about same topic on steemit at a given time (for instance price fluctuation of bitcoin or upcoming hardforks etc), yet few would earn 50$ from it and the rest will earn something like 20 cents. Why?

Its all about angle. Give your post a personalized angle to attract the audience. Steemit is not a news channel. People would love to hear your different and unique analysis on a story rather than the story itself.


Conclusions are the feet of your posts. Failing to wrap up your article in a smart way would result in absolute failure of your article and believe you me, your posts WILL fall down (face first).


Aah, this is the most bizarre thing yet the most important one. If you have done everything right but have failed to use relevant hashtags, your posts will never see the light of day (unless you have some humongous following).

Instead of choosing popular hashtags that have no business being on your article, use relevant hashtags. Who knows a single whale following that hashtag will make your day ;)


There are tons of other tips and tricks that you will learn along the way. However, these are the most important ones that i have shared above.

Read these tips, memorize them, make it a habit to create posts based on these tips and once you do, there is nothing that can stop you from becoming successful here on steemit.


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