Steemit vs. facebook | Freedom of Speech - Censorship


While facebook is attacked by the German government and the European Union to act against so-called "hate speech", they begin to start a massive censorship and surveillance on their own member. User Profiles got deactivated for certain periods, content and posts disappear, unwanted groups and their religious or political opinions got blocked by the ability of non-members to see the groups and pages content. 


On the other side, what is steemit doing against "hate speech". Well, nothing because it is simply not needed! What, why? In case of the COMMUNITY and the PEOPLE their self. Everybody can say what they want. If the community agrees, you will get votes and a feedback, may your articles get resteemed by members with much more follower than you to bring your post to a broad mass! Is your post well written and people vote it, you can even be listed in the topics "hot" or "trend" and be seen much more often and gain potential votes!

When you are flaming and talking in an inappropriate way, you will be flagged or even receive no votes, you simply will be ignored with your opinion. Maybe you can start a conversation with somebody that try to explain why he disagree with your post/article/opinion. Ignorance is a kind of punishment!

So the community, the social part of the network, the people condition the user naturally. We are easily able to do this and are not incapacitated, or in need of authorities to restrict us in their favour.

Our Conclusion

The User will turn the back to platforms like facebook and migrate to other platforms, where they feel comfortable and free! In times of suppression, such spaces of "freedom" are needed and wanted. We have emotions and can them only live out or suppress. If we do the last it will break out at some point and may cause more harm than simply to say what you feel to get it out and feel better. It is our nature, so we await that people will move to vk or steemit. Especially steemit provides even a monetary aspect. Steemit is like an open-source software that draws developer into the network which creates diverse tools, websites, chats based on steemit, the blockchain and the most important, YOU the community. 

Especially in times Bitcoin raises in price and many other online currencies get popular, it is only a matter of time that people will move and give facebook only an honest:

veritas numquam moritur - Truth never die

 Tell us what YOU think!  

@ned please keep this policy!!!

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