Milestone achieved.... 60 rep.

I think breaking out of the fifties is one of the biggest Milestones on here.

Being able to move up is such a great relief.

As some of you may know I started here in October but didn't find much success so I left for quite a while.

I came back a couple of months ago and started writing my fiction stories and blog pieces.

It was difficult at first, just like in October, but I finally began to find some ground and hung on.

I was able to achieve 56 rep and then there was the long climb to 57.

Going from 57 to 58 felt like it took forever.

My understanding is that it doubles every time so going from 58 to 59 should take twice as long as it took to get to 58.

After all of that I finally achieved 60 rep.

I feel like I'm swimming with the big fish now and it feels great.

To everyone who reads and enjoys my blog pieces I say thank you.

I'm going to continue producing great quality work and I hope to gain even more followers.

Thank you again for all of your support.

Follow me @jeezzle

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