Request to Add Shares Tab for Resteems!

add a shares tab to steemit.jpg

How much easier would it be to read blogs with a separate place for resteems? What increase in resteem use would we see if we did not face the problem of having the post we resteemed shared in the middle of our blog? Would we all benefit by having the posts we resteem moved into a tab of their own the way comments and replies are?

After 70 days on Steemit, I have seen a lot of posts I would like to share by resteeming especially those in the upvotable posts. Meanwhile my current number of resteems is zero.

Why avoid hitting resteem?

Resteeming adds posts I do not write to my blog which causes confusion to new readers looking only for what I wrote and is very effective at diverting readers to the author of the shared post. Where there is confusion users often are less likely to stay engaged which is why the top websites in the world are so easy to use. It still is not obvious to me right away when looking at a blog on Steemit as to who wrote the post. I have to check almost every post still to see if it is a resteem or written by the author I am following because only the small resteem icon and the author's name are different. Facebook meanwhile makes it fairly obvious if a post has been shared right away while most blogging platforms like WordPress are optimized for one author with no sharing options balanced by options to include multiple authors.

About half of the authors I am following on Steemit resulted from a resteem. While this sounds like a benefit for the whole community to encourage discovering other authors, it is coming at the cost of many authors like me not sharing at all. This has even been positively reinforced in comments where readers say thank you for putting everything I want to share into an upvotable post instead of using the resteem feature because they do not want as a reader to sort through my resteems to find my posts.

How much is this limiting our sharing?

If resteems were added in a separate tab, I estimate the amount of sharing would triple at a minimum because I would start resteeming right away. We need our sharing capability to be at the maximum because this helps viral posts spread which helps us discover new authors naturally. As it is now, I prefer the authors I follow to not resteem because it is confusing on the author's blog when I want to see what they posted.

Resteems are indefinite?

Am I correct in guessing that resteems last on the blog page indefinitely with there being no option to unresteem? If there is an option to unshare the post and remove it from the blog, then this point is irrelevant. If not, an accidental click might lead to having a blog post we did not want shared stuck on our blog when anyone checks our profile. The only solution then is to bury it with new posts.

Adding a share tab is a simple fix!

What do we need to do to get a "SHARE" tab added like I show in the picture above to help us collaborate better with resteems? If you think this feature would be a good idea, would you upvote this post for visibility because maybe it will reach one of us that can take action on this?

Jerry Banfield

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