Steem Video Ad #1 on Facebook and YouTube featuring 10 Reasons for $10 Steem in 10 Months!

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Are we ready to advertise Steemit to thousands of users on Facebook and YouTube? Our rewards here will pay for my first video ad for Steem on Facebook and YouTube featuring the new video I recorded today as seen below! Would you help fund this advertising campaign by upvoting this post because I will then spend the total USD I receive on video ads with Facebook and YouTube?

View the video ad on Facebook at or below on YouTube.

The video above is a comprehensive introduction to Steemit and sales pitch for buying Steem based on the original post I made at @jerrybanfield/10-reasons-for-usd10-steem-price-in-10-months. When we invest in advertising these videos by voting this post up, I think we are at a minimum doing brand awareness for Steem where existing users might become more active, new users will sign up, and those already trading cryptocurrencies will be more likely to get excited about Steem. Just seeing the word Steem is likely to assist in increasing the trade volume which will likely mean a price increase. If the video repeats what I did with Dash in March, we will see all of the following benefits just from the ad dollars in this post!

  1. Bring new user signups to
  2. Remind existing Steemit users to check their account and therefore increase activity.
  3. Encourage new first time buys into Steem both from users already active in the crypto world and those just getting started.
  4. Educate existing traders about Steem's growth and changes which now make it attractive to buy and hold over time.
  5. Inspire the birth of new Steem whales and dolphins!

Will you look at the experience I already have doing this to see how the results were when I promoted Dash using these same methods in March at

dash v2 facebook ad.png

dash masternode promotion total.png

Dash masternode promotion campaign.png

In summary, I spent $1452.27 to advertise my video about Dash done in the same style I did today's Steem video to 856, 267 people on Facebook resulting in 198 thousand video views, thousands of likes and comments, and hundreds of shares. The price for Dash was $27 when I started these ads and it is $137 at the time of writing just a few months later. I believe that these ads on Facebook and the videos on YouTube helped Dash reach a tipping point where the actions hundreds of people took after watching the videos created a consistent high demand for Dash which then attracted further investments. I am confident the same is possible with Steem especially given everything I say in the video!

When we vote this post up, I will spend an amount equal to or greater to the final post rewards in US Dollars as shown on my blog. For example, if it is the same number as my second post which brought in $746.63 I would then spend at least that much on Facebook and YouTube ads over the next month or so. While I am aware I will receive half the payment in Steem and half in SBD, I hope to power all of what I receive up and spend all of the money in dollars with my existing advertising account on Facebook and YouTube which bills to my business online named Real Productive Life LLC. If we provide over $10,000 on this post I may need to cash some of the SBD out to USD make the payment on my credit card for the ad spend. If the total is less than that, I have enough cash on hand to pay for all the ad spend and to power up all of the Steem and SBD received from this post.

We will each be able to see the results live by just checking the post on Facebook and the video on YouTube to see the number of views and interaction. Once this reaches $100, I will submit the ads and make an investor report as another post when the campaign is complete.

I hope to continue doing this on an ongoing basis with many different videos and ads to make sure we bring in every potential Steemit user to our community and inform every potential investor about the opportunity to buy Steem. Thank you for collaborating with me on this project and I value your feedback here!

Will you vote this up today to help us all test and see the results of this ad on Facebook and YouTube? Would you follow me for updates on the progress of this ad campaign?


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