My Steemit Promotion Method- My group on Facebook and the Real reason behind it - Some Reflection

I Started a Facebook Group

My fb group name is STEEM CRYPTORIANS

The whole purpose of the group is to sensitize more people about steemit and to share its value. In so doing with this small idea to get people who i know especially people in Jamaica to join the platform to create a greater demand even by a mare .01%


There is a very high demand in my country when it comes to earning. We don't have the best economy so people are craving to learn new ways to earn. One they know the true value of steemit and the incredible potential of this platform they will go wild.

Jamaica is definitely one of the greatest places in the world. We are said to be in the top 3 happiest people on planet earth. We have a very rich culture of music especially reggae, we also are very adventurous people who loves entertainment. Currently should be among the top users of social media so why not steemit. The country and its people are very lovely and we also love to share experience of all manner of stuff.

The music vibe



I want to create a true steemian feel and the type of experience I have here on steemit and try to duplicate that feeling in my group. My greatest hope would be to reach at least 10k people and hope 5k out of that remain on steemit. I have learn a great amount on steemit especially about steem and other cryptocurrency that i didnt even know was around. I let them know the importance of decentralisation and the better way to start and to gain more understanding on the subject.

The Earning Power Of Steemit

Despite Steemit still being in it beta stage i have come to realize the earning power and the ability to become a millionare quickly in my country through I want to let my group members know that there is far more out there by creating some good quality content that they already have within and that they can earn from there voice being heard on a platform that is ready to pay for it. However the most important thing is not how much you can earn now but how well you can provide content and how fast you can learn and adapt to posting relevance.

My Experience on Steemit

I have had a world class experience since being on steemit from 13/06/2017 which taught me quite alot. I have earn quite a bit and cannot complain about the blessings God have allowed to achieve so far on this platform. I have already reach 345 followers at this very moment in time and i have earn more than 300 steem dollars so far. I have met some wonderful people here who has been helping me on my way to greatness. It has been rough since hardfork 19 but I'm glad it happens when I'm a minnow so i can quickly adapt and move on.It taught me to learn to earn small and invest so when the time is right once I remain consistent I will in turn earn my way up dolphin stage and who knows i could very well be a WHALE 1 day out of 7.

My time of posting

This is one of the hardest thing since i become a steemian. I practically use all times available to research or write draw, and ill definitely enter the music competitions one day. Its kind of difficult since i world 20 miles away from my home town and travels back and forth everyday except for weekends. However through all of this i find the time to post something interesting still trying to get a feel of what my followers like to comment on and upvote.

Best post so far

Thats my first big post on steemit and i will never forget even though i will have much bigget upvotes. It was soring at $558 when it started but because of the market value... i wont say it. I really appreciate steemit for everything because after years on the internet i have never earn even half that amount of $302 the closing.


I think steemit is the best platform i hhave ever been on. If you agree then..


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